If I don’t hurry, I will be running up and down Main street with all the husbands and boyfriends on Christmas Eve. I don’t know what it is — I am usually shaking gifts under the tree by now.
Happy birthday to all who celebrated their day this past week. Big balloons go out to Lucy Enos and Sawyer Klebs who celebrated their day on Dec. 15, Charles Ashmen and Khalid Dore on Dec. 17, Quinten Cabral on Dec. 18, and Amonda Convery who celebrated her day on Dec. 20.
Special wishes to my niece Deborah Bergess who celebrated her day on Dec. 17.
Also, special wishes to Bill Macomber who celebrates a special birthday on Dec. 25.
Andre and Cindy Bonnell are walking on air these days as they just became proud grandparents. Their daughter Elyce Bonnell and her fiancé Cory LeFabre are now the parents of a baby boy. Isaac James Lefabre arrived Dec. 7, weighing 8 pounds. They are from Saco, Me. The great-grandmother is Catherine Enos Griffin. Congratulations to all.
Charlotte and Scott Caskey, Doris and Doug Ward and Heather Maciel all made their annual trip to Ireland. They rode their horses and jumped until the jumps were small. They all had a grand time. Doug did his first hunt and loved it. He and the fox came home safe and he said he will do it again next year.
Ryan Mundt arrived home with all his possessions on Wednesday. His friend Alex Rossi flew out to Indiana to help with the move. Ryan just finished his courses at Notre Dame University on Dec. 18 and will graduate in June with a degree in Sociology. Ryan, who took two years off to work, was true to his word and returned to finish his degree. His mother Patty Leighton Mundt has been beaming for weeks and is glad he is home. His father is Curt Mundt who is equally proud. His grandparents are Sam and Nancy Leighton. Ryan is now looking for a government job. Congratulations, Ryan, we are all very proud of you.
I would like to wish you all a very happy holiday. May all your wishes come true. May there be Peace on Earth and Good Will towards Men.
Have a great week and keep the home candles burning.
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