A Chorus Line will be presented this evening at 7 by the Performing Arts Department at the Performing Arts Center at Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School. Tickets are $7 for seniors and students, and $10 for adults. If you missed opening night on Valentine’s Day, you will have the opportunity to enjoy the performance this evening and on Saturday at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. Please show your support to our students and staff who have worked tremendously long and hard to present this performance.
Congratulations to Naomi Scott, daughter of Frank and Linda Garvin Scott of Aquinnah, and granddaughter of Emily Chipperfield of Tisbury and Lillian Garvin of Oak Bluffs, on her first place award at the 9th annual Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School Science Fair.
Naomi was presented her award by superintendent James Weiss, having won with her Fruit Fly Don’t Bother Me study of the effects of organic and non-organic fruits and the mortality of the fruit flies. She is a sophomore at Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School and came in first place with her biology experiment. Two hundred students participated in the fair.
This past week has been the annual United South and Eastern Tribes Impact Week in Washington, D.C. Those attending included tribal council chairwoman Cheryl Andrews-Maltais, tribal council vice chairman Jay Smalley, tribal repatriation officer Edith M. Andrews, chief F. Ryan Malonson, senior cultural resource monitor Bettina Malonson Washington, housing authority director Jennie Greene, planning director Durwood Vanderhoop, human services director Bonnie Chalifoux, housing authority chairman Jerome Gonsalves, natural resources director Bret Stearns, and nurse Joyce Clevenger.
Although the cancer support group pot luck dinner was not in my column in January due to space, I was the only Islandwide columnist who attended the dinner after being challenged by Leslie Stark (also known as General) to attend. The evening was a wonderful gathering of family, friends, and supporters of those who are survivors. There were a few testimonials. The most humorous was by Maynard Silva of course. The group has recently moved their weekly meetings to the Hebrew Center at the corner of Center and Look streets in Vineyard Haven at noon on Wednesdays. If you are a survivor, a family member, a friend or a faithful supporter, please feel free to join in.
The genealogy classes recently held at the Aquinnah Public Library by yours truly were quite popular. Several people were able to conduct further research on their family trees. It was a great group project to work together and share our knowledge with each other. If anyone would like to join the recently formed genealogy club, please sign up at the library by Saturday. The group will continue to meet on Thursdays from 2 to 4 p.m. through the month of March.
John Brett-Smith of Jeffers Way and Manhattan was here to attend the special town meeting.
Condolences to the family of Robert N. Flanders who passed away at home on Sunday, surrounded by his family and friends who had spent time with him in his final days. He lived life on his terms and certainly departed on his terms as well. He will be missed as not only one of the few remaining active fishermen of Menemsha but a friend to all.
Michael Glasser of West Stockbridge was at his Jeffers Way home while here to attend the special town meeting.
Kristina Leslie returned this past week after a brief trip to Los Angeles and a visit with her daughters Samantha and husband Clifford Everleigh, Jennifer and Doug Staples and grandsons Maxum and Charlie.
Congratulations to Sonya Mayrand on her dean’s list achievement for the 2007 fall semester at Keene State College in Keene, N.H. Sonya is the daughter of Michael and Carol Mayrand of Sandcastle Way.
Carlos Montoya, Jr. returned on Thursday from his two-week holiday in India for a visit with his son Josh who is there studying yoga. Carlos spent some time in Bombay as well as traveling to other areas with Josh. Prior to his departure, we enjoyed brunch at the airport with Brook Zern, his wife Kristin, and their daughter Francesca.
After meeting Brook a few months ago and learning of his serious lifelong interest and intense study of flamenco guitar, I knew that one day I would have to introduce him to Carlos, whose father was the world-renowned master of flamenco guitar. Brook had even introduced Carlos Montoya Sr. on the stage at Carnegie Hall at one time. We met again in January and the very next day after a quick telephone call to Carlos and then to Brook and his family, the brunch was arranged.
We spent nearly three hours discussing flamenco guitar among so many other subjects. In the small world department, Francesca and Christina Montoya also studied together in Manhattan. Brook and Kristin, who have recently moved to their new home in West Tisbury, spend as much time in Spain as possible each year. This has been an adventure for Brook and he is intensely serious about flamenco. We encouraged him to write a book, already having a title ready for him as well as the heading for a few chapters. It was a very exciting and lively discussion, one we hope will be followed with many more fascinating meetings.
Happy birthday wishes this week to Douglas Fortes as he celebrates on Saturday and shares the day with Brenda Johnson and Ed Conroy. Linda Toland Hobbs will party on Sunday as will John Robey and Elizabeth Carroll-Broggi. Linda Scott will observe her special day on February 19. Rose Marie King will observe a major milestone on the 19. Wendy DeGeofroy will celebrate on Feb. 20 and shares the day with Cedric Belain.
Leonard Jason Jr. will party on Feb. 21 as will Steven Garvin Jr., Keenan Chaplin, Constance Iadicicco, and Anne Vanderhoop Madison. Chelsea Ives will party on Feb. 22.
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