Dance, drum, and singing take place on Thursday evenings at the tribal building for young children to learn during classes taught by Woody Vanderhoop. All tribal children are encouraged to participate at 6:30 p.m.
There will be a flea market at the Chilmark Community Center on Saturday, March 8 from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Coco Adams has gathered many of us to return for a March Madness Flea Market. There will be a great assortment of antiques, books, collectibles, Ethel’s jams and jellies, furniture, handcrafted items, hand-knit and crocheted items, jewelry, and treasures.
Roxanne Ackerman recently returned from attending the Milford Aquaculture Seminar and the Boston International Seafood Show. Both programs were very informative in the area of aquaculture.
Lauri Bradway has a rather large collection of cockatiels at the present time. If you are interested in adding one to your collection, please call Lauri before she takes them all to Connecticut.
Eddie Fantasia returned home over the weekend, following a brief stay at Children’s Hospital during his school vacation week. He is feeling much better now.
Carol Bennett French will be returning to her home in Maine today after spending the week at her family home in Chilmark. We enjoyed many hours of extensive research as always on our Vineyard genealogy and family histories.
Elise Lebovit at the Duck Inn will again hostess the annual Spring Hunt. Everyone is welcome to paint eggs on March 16 at the Duck Inn from 1 to 5 p.m. On Sunday, March 23, the Spring Hunt will begin at 1 p.m. All are welcome to attend her annual rites of spring celebration.
All the best to Reginald Silva, his wife Darlene and their daughter Deborah as they headed west on Wednesday. They have spent the past few winters at their family home on Rose Meadow Way and it has been great to see them often at the library. They are another young family with deep Vineyard roots who are leaving.
Mark Alan Lovewell will present He Said, She Said, He Read at the Martha’s Vineyard Museum in Edgartown on Tuesday, March 11 at 7 p.m. as part of the Past and Repast Event at the historical society. You will hear Mark tell of how news traveled around the Vineyard over the past two centuries. There will be wine and treats available. Tickets are $12 for non-members and $10 for members. For further information, please call 508-627-4441, extension 117.
I will be catching up with everyone over the weekend about their school vacations. It is unusual to have daylight saving time, Easter, and other celebrations coming so early in the season.
Happy birthday wishes this week to Michael Johnson on March 9. Linda McCarthy will celebrate on March 11. She who shares the day with Tiffany Smalley, who is studying at Harvard University.
My most favorite male vocalist in the world, James V. Taylor, will be celebrating a major milestone on March 12, most likely winding down from his recent tour.
Jaron Chaplin will celebrate on March 12. Nina P. Butler will party on March 13. Twins Jade and Maya Araujo will be six years old on March 13. Lisa Bibko Vanderhoop will party on March 13 also. March 14 is a busy day for celebrants — they include Robert Manning, Todd J. Araujo, Jay Smalley and Richard Skidmore. Dwight (D.J.) Kaeka will party on March 15, and shares the day with Tammy Conroy, Edmund L. Silva, Sylvie Delaunay Vandal and Seth Boynton.
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