The month of March came in with heavy rain and temperatures reaching 40 degrees, kind of a lion. The old saying is it should leave like a lamb. We shall see. Thoughts of spring, just 12 days away, fill the air with milder temperatures, warmer sun and the light is getting longer each day. By Sunday, sunset will happen around 6:30 p.m.
The faithful 57-year-old ferry Islander was retired from service a year ago Monday after traveling more than a million miles for us. She was purchased by the Governors Island Preservation and Education Corporation. By next summer, they plan to have the old boat completely restored and back in service, making an 800-yard trip from lower Manhattan to Governors Island. They do not intend to change her name, just the port of call. Leslie Koch, president of Governors Island Preservation and Education Corporation, promises a free ride to everyone from the Vineyard.
Linda Baughman of Philadelphia, Pa., returned home last Sunday after tending to Phyllis Meras’s livestock while she was in Canada. Linda remarked that the place seemed so empty but she enjoyed herself.
Sam Alley of Framingham State College made it home the day after his birthday. He was delayed because of snow on the mainland, so he spent his special day with his sister, Nicole and her husband Arsen, in Taunton. We took Sam back to college on Sunday, shopped and had dinner with them on our way back to the boat. The last trip was packed as were all the boats headed home on Sunday, bringing back vacationers.
Steve Lohman and his wife, Jenifer Strachan, of Waldron’s Bottom Road, returned home last week from a brief trip down to the Florida Keys. They enjoyed the tropical weather, visits with their Key West friends, and biking around in summer attire. They find that they are happy to be back home and back to work in their own studios. Jenifer reports that because they jetted to the Keys, they missed the drive and plan to travel down to Washington, D.C., a little later in the year, once the cherry blossoms have made their annual appearance.
Manny and Sharon Estrella of Indian Hill Road returned home last Friday after a five-day vacation in Ledyard, Conn. They made their annual trip to Foxwoods. Manny reports that they had a wonderful time and it was rewarding.
Will Monast and his wife Leslei returned home on Wednesday after spending a week’s vacation in Vero Beach, Fla.
Joanie Ames of Forest Road, who has been referred to as a washashore recently, would like to remind you that she is a direct descendent of Nicholas Butler, who settled on the Vineyard in 1643. She has publicly questioned the decisions of the board of assessors in recent tax matters and said that the business of fighting unfair taxation goes way back in her family.
Charlie Kernick of Edgartown Road was taking pictures last Sunday and he snapped one of two swans in the Mill Pond. It has been several years since they have been at home, and traffic came to a standstill.
A vacation round up from information made available to me: Amy and Olson Houghton their children Molly and Catlin spent the week in sunny Clinton, N.Y. Arnie and Christa Fischer, of Flat Point Farm, vacationed in Durango, Colo. and at the Grand Canyon, and visited their daughter Lila.
Wendy Iannaco vacationed on St. Lucia; Tina Miller, her husband Steve Gallagher and their children cruised in the western Caribbean; Richard Andre, his wife Ina and son Nicholas skied in Colorado; and Bob Lane and his wife Jill spent the week in Belize in South America. The historic district commission will hold a public meeting at the Howes House on Monday night at 5:30 p.m. to discuss the application made by the town to renovate the town hall building and an application by the Martha’s Vineyard Preservation Commission to restore and improve the old shed behind the store that had previously housed the bike shop.
Over at the library on Wednesday at 5 p.m., you can meet Dan Waters at an exhibition of his animal block prints.
A few vocal members of the Grange organized a male quartet in late February of 1946. The members were George Magnuson, first tenor, William Larcom, pharmacist’s mate at the Naval Auxiliary Air Station, second tenor, Staff Sgt. Allan Keniston, first bass and William Turner, second bass. Robert MacInnis and Helen R. O’Donnell were the pianists. They held weekly practice sessions and on May 10 offered their first entertainment program for the benefit of the Congregational Church. Bradley Martin of Tiah’s Cove, a retired vaudeville actor, was the special guest entertainer before the quartet sang. A major problem occurred just three days before the scheduled show; William Larcom was unexpectedly transferred from the air station on the Vineyard to another Navy base in Rhode Island. He was able to obtain a special liberty pass courtesy of his commanding officer, however, and was flown here from Quonset Point just in time for the show. Their entertainment was well received and it was a grand evening.
Happy birthday to Jeanne Barron, Polly Bassett, and Susannah Maher today; Jim Alley, Elizabeth Mahoney and Wayne Arruda tomorrow; Alma Benson, Donald DeSorcy and Shannon Rynd-Ray on Sunday; Jane Konicki, Sue Merrill, Jeffrey Enter and Max Currier on Monday; Whit Griswold, Alix Small, Eileen Maley, Allison McMorrow, sheriff Mike McCormack and Carol Brush on Tuesday; Blair Emin and David Desmarais on Wednesday; and Janet Sylvia, Ann Hale, David Fitzpatrick and Virginia Blakesley on Thursday.
A belated birthday wish to Mike Eldridge.
Remember that daylight saving time begins early Sunday morning so set your clocks ahead at bedtime Saturday and check your computer clock setting on Sunday to see if it is programmed properly.
Well, that is all of the social news for this edition. If you have any news, please call or e-mail me. Have a great week.
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