How can we not like this weather? The only problem is Mother Nature loves to tease us and we know this is short-lived until June. So we have to enjoy it while we can. Donaroma’s is looking like Oz again following the arrival of the pansies, daffodils and hyacinths. Everyone who comes in says they were looking for something to brighten their day and give them hope for spring.
Happy birthday to all who celebrated their day this past week. Big balloons go out to Conor Smith, Jordan Tate-De Silva and Joshua Tate-De Silva who celebrated their day on April 2, Chase Eppers on April 3, April Hargy and Sean Hegarty on April 4, Hailey Rogers on April 7, Cana Courtney on April 8, Mariah Donahue on April 9, Imani Foster, David Macias and Dylan Wallace on April 10, Taylor Gramdowski and Joshua Willoughby on April 13, Daniel Costello and Thomas Weston 3rd on April 14, and Elon Binder and Paulo Pereira on April 15.
I was talking to Cheryl Welch the other day and she told me about an adventure with her granddaughter JoJo. If you have ever met JoJo you would never forget her as her eyes tell the whole story. It seems she had her first tooth loose and after she ate a bagel the tooth was missing. She was a little dismayed as how the tooth fairy was going to find the tooth. So Gramma Cheryl took her to the Second Hand Store and bought a small basket and fixed it up with a note explaining to the tooth fairy what had happened. Much to JoJo’s delight, the tooth fairy found the note and left a prize for her.
The Edgartown library is collecting cans and bottles to raise money for the library. Pat Rose dropped a barrel off at Donaroma’s for the empties. There will be signs put up for other drop-off places in town, so keep your eyes open.
Two years ago, my niece Tina and her husband Jonathan were going out and she had no babysitter for her two-year-old son J.J. It was an August night and the firemen’s annual auction was that night. So we brought J.J. along. On the way out, J.J. was getting tired and he was not about to walk home. I looked around and saw this plastic three-wheel bike getting ready to go in the recycle pile.
I grabbed the bike and asked J.J. if he wanted to try it. He got on it and he couldn’t peddle the bike but he was having fun sitting on it and walking it. I asked how much they wanted and they said just a donation. So I donated $5 and off we went figuring that this bike would get us home and if it broke it was worth it.
Tina called me on Sunday to tell me she was watching J.J. with the bike loading the seat, which serves as a storage area, and he was filling it full of his toys. She told me how happy he had been with this bike for the past two years. It has made many trips to the park and around his house and even though he can peddle it he still loves to sit on it and walk it to where he wants to go.
I am writing this because some other child owned this bike and probably had the same joy. His parents donated it to a great cause and now it is in a home where another child is enjoying it just as much. Like it is said many times, “One man’s junk is another man’s treasure” or in this case, a child’s.
Don’t forget that it is school vacation and with the weather so nice the kids will be out. Drive carefully and keep a watchful eye out.
I would like to thank all that wrote in my name for board of health. A big thank-you to the selectmen for their support, and also to Tom Durawa, Joan Dunayer and Doug Herr for holding a sign while I was working. It is always a pleasure and honor to serve our town.
Have a great week and keep the home candles burning.
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