Chilmark is enjoying these few days of summer which aren’t as rushed as the days will be after schools are closed throughout the land. We have a few days to get all the chores done, grass mowed and gardens planted before the crowds come to visit. We will be ready — unless we sneak off to chase those bass that already are lurking in our waters.
Many of our seasonal friends and neighbors are finding their way to Chilmark in spite of the many complexities of travel these days.
Andrew and Ellen Jacknain of Washington, D.C., are enjoying a vacation at their Larsen Lane home.
Terry Meinelt of Topsfield enjoyed a brief visit with his parents, Ted and Poly Meinelt, at their home on South Road this week. He came to check on the construction of his new house nearby. Ben Nutter, the architect of the project, accompanied him.
Conrad and Jane Neumann came to town for a quick visit preparing for their return next week to stay for the summer season. He will be giving a lecture, Geology and Scenery Under the Sea, at the Chilmark library on Thursday, June 19, at 5 p.m.
Peter and Della Darling are at their Quitsa home for the season.
Remember that the 20th annual Strawberry Festival will take place at the West Tisbury Congregational Church on Saturday, June 21 from 1 to 4 p.m.
Bob and Diane Congdon are moving from Prospect Hill to their new home in Fort Lauderdale. We will miss them, as they have been part of the Chilmark summer community for many years. Best of luck.
Steve and Joy Flanders are happy to have their three girls all home for the summer. Allison is home from Susquehanna College where she was a freshman. Genevieve is home from Hamilton College. Congratulations to Sara Jean who was recognized at Honors Night at the Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School for being an outstanding entrepreneur for business. All the girls have local summer jobs.
Bayard and Suzanne Kellam were at their Menemsha home, coming from Providence for a brief vacation.
Best wishes to Arna and Helen deKeijzer of Weston, Conn., who will celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary at their Larsen Lane home on June 12.
The Menemsha Fisheries Development Fund is presenting a program on Wednesday, June 18 at 5:30 p.m. at the Chilmark Public Library. Robert Kennedy, director of natural science for the Maria Mitchell Association of Nantucket, will talk about scallop research.
June 18 is graduation day for the fifth graders at the Chilmark School. Cheers from us all.
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