A dragon created by art and technology teacher Paul Brisette and his art students at Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School will fly high and terrorize a young prince as the centerpiece of the Magic Flute scenes in the OperaFest 2008 performance, Saturday, July 26, at 8 p.m. at Union Chapel in Oak Bluffs.
Soprano Claudette Peterson, formerly with New York City Opera and artistic director of OperaFest 2008, commissioned the dragon, a central figure in the opening scene of Mozart’s Magic Flute, when she gave an opera master class to regional high school students earlier this year. Mr. Brisette and the students created a flexible, operable monster that could swoop down from the balcony and terrorize the performer, while being easily maneuvered by four other performers. Mr. Bristette used the design challenge to demonstrate to his students how moveable art can be designed on a computer and created out of easily obtained materials.
The Claudette Peterson Vocal Studio’s OperaFest 2008 on Martha’s Vineyard is an intensive two-week opera-training program for up-and-coming singers from both on and off the Island, in residence in Edgartown, July 13 through 27.
The program, directed by Ms. Peterson and her husband, Columbia Artists bass baritone David Kline, provides an opportunity for young singers to study all aspects of opera performance culminating in a final, professional, costumed and staged performance.
OperaFest 2008 offers vocal coaching, and master classes in diction, structure and musical phrasing, acting and role preparation, stage movement and makeup. As well as the concert at Union Chapel, there will be two informal evening showcase presentations for an invited audience: Broadway Night, Wednesday, July 16, and an Evening of Art Songs, Friday, July 18, both at 8 p.m.
Ms. Peterson and Mr. Kline will be featured in a special benefit concert, From Broadway to Opera: The Classics, at the Vineyard Playhouse on Monday, July 21, at 8 p.m.
Also featured on this concert will be big band and Broadway trumpet player, Rick Henly, and the OperaFest students.
Tickets for From Broadway to Opera: The Classics are $50; tickets for the Union Chapel concert are $15, $10 for seniors and students. Both are available through the Vineyard Playhouse box office 24 Church street, Vineyard Haven, or by calling 508-696-6300.
For details, call 508-693-6450, extension 19.
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