Our weather last weekend was delightful and summery. It is getting busier each day as more people continue to arrive for their vacation. Starting on Wednesday, the crunch will be upon us as some folks will get a head start on the long holiday weekend as Independence Day is next Friday. The up-Island bus traffic has increased in substantial numbers in just a week and next weekend is the start of the busiest week of the summer season.
We had a surprise weekend visit from Karl Rove and his wife Darby, of Washington, D.C., last Friday. He reports that it was their first Vineyard visit and they enjoyed it very much. They purchased several items and visited many places during their brief stay. He stopped by the contract post office and offered to be the guest sorter of the day last Friday. He also met Dan Pinck, of Chilmark, who just couldn’t believe his eyes after seeing him. Dan nearly dropped his pipe and had to grab hold of his car to maintain his balance. Later they held a conversation about one of his books he had written and they took photographs. Pete Karman was relaxing in his yard on Saturday and nearly fell out of his chair when he spotted the Roves walking by and put it on his blog immediately. They were the weekend guests of Bob Luskin of Edgartown Road.
Meredith Jylkaa of Weston and her children, Lila and Alexander, visited her parents, Dudley and Nancy Eppel, at their Pond View home last weekend.
Carol and Larry DiBernardo, of Chester, Conn., visited Jill Carlton and her husband Pete Karman at her State Road home. It was a reunion of Middlefield College students. Pete and Jill returned to New Haven, Conn., on Monday and will be back for the Fourth of July holiday weekend.
Will Monast of Waldron’s Bottom Road began the long restoration project of the Frank Adams House on Music street last Monday. He reports that it is one of the more complicated jobs he has ever accepted but enjoys the challenges it will present.
Ed and Jane Konicki of Webster arrived for a brief visit with the Alley family on State Road on Tuesday. They returned Anna’s van after it had a complete overhaul by her son-in-law Ron Kokernack. He also has my little old red truck in his shop which he thinks can be made to run again.
Henrick Krogus and his wife Elaine, of the Hamptons, N.Y., Baron Peter Van Ochs and Gudrin Wallenstorfer, of Vienna, Austria, Carol Carrick of Island Farms and Jack Burton were dinner guests of Phyllis Meras at her Music street home last Friday night. The baron reports that Phyllis prepared a fabulous fish dish.
More than 750 people, the largest crowd they have ever had, attended the strawberry festival last Saturday afternoon. The weather was superb and so were the strawberries. Well over 500 pounds of berries were sliced,sugared, and served on tables set up on the lawn at the Congregationalchurch. Marian Irving reports that it was a verysuccessful day. More than $5,000 was raised and all the money will go to help with churchmaintenance. Forty volunteers staffed thepopular event. Marion is very gr ateful to the community for its support.
Marie Alamed of Northampton made her first Vineyard visit last week. She came to attend the wedding of her son Ben to Christine Brinegar on Chappy. She also enjoyed visiting the Field Gallery and vows to return again soon.
Marian Irving of Old County Road reports that the Island Community Chorus will open their official season at the Tabernacle in Oak Bluffs by presenting their summer concert next Saturday night at 8 p.m. Mark your calendar today. Peter Boak will be conducting the group, and Garrett Brown will be on keyboard. A free-will offering benefiting both the preservation ofthe Tabernacle and the chorus will be taken.
Janice Manter of Pond View Farm Road reports that her daughter Jenny and her husband Glen Outcalt of Littleton, Colo., and their children Nathan and Alexa have been visiting her this week. They have been staying down at Muddy Cove.
Bill and Judy Alden of East Falmouth have been visiting friends all this week. They lived on Runner Way for several years. They have been staying at the Boathouse on Carl’s Way.
Linda Atkinson and her husband Ed Bing, of Belmont, have arrived at their house on Edgartown Road for the summer. Their son, Jim, and his girlfriend Allison Levy, of Boston arrive today for a visit. And next week their son Atty and his gal, Elizabeth Donahue, of Boston arrive for a vacation and family visit.
Barbara and Susan Silk, the sisters building that new home on Cardinal Way, will officially make our town their home on July 9th. The “Silk Sisters” will be staying with friends Pat Kreger and Larry Cohan of Skiff’s Lane while they await the completion of their retirement home, scheduled for early September. They are moving here after 30 years in the Windy City. The Silk Sisters owned an award-winning communication consulting business in Chicago specializing in public policy and public affairs issues. Here they plan to specialize in enjoying the Vineyard pace they have come to love after nearly a decade of summers on the Island.
Allen Whiting’s annual art show and opening is this Sunday at his Davis House Gallery on State Road. The Granary Gallery on Old County Road began its 55th season last Sunday.
Tammy Hersh invites all of the old and new customers of Conroy’s Apothecary to celebrate their recent expansion and their 20th year in business on Monday from 6 till 8 p.m. There will be music and adult beverages and no prescription is required. Congratulations!
Bruce Keep reports that the park and recreation committee’s new sticker shack is in full operation at the school near the tennis courts. It is open everyday from 9 a.m. till 1 p.m. and additional hours on the weekends.
The Chilmark Flea Market has moved to the school parking lot and is in operation this weekend.
On June 30, 1942 John Palmeira, air raid warden and chairman of civil defense, issued an order to all motorists driving at night requiring them to use only their parking lights on all roads leading south off the Edgartown Road. Since school was dismissed last week and the teacher who was in charge of the center, Ruth Blanchard, had gone up to New Hampshire to be with her mother for the summer, he has also moved the control center from the schoolhouse to his home for the summer. She had tended to the center from 7 a.m. till 3:30 p.m. After 5 p.m. and on weekends, it was staffed by volunteers. The alarm, should there be warning of an air raid, would be the ringing of church bells. Mr. Palmeira had just received a siren for his automobile to help him spread any alert. He also was conducting monthly air raid exercises. Students were drilled in the proper procedures to take in case of an air raid. Sector wardens were making sure that blackout screens were in place on all homes each and every night.
Happy birthday to David Steere, Woody Bowman, Jonathan Belain and Heidi Spruce today; Alvida Jones, Barbara Cotterill, Samantha Look and Sam Decker tomorrow; Harriet Bernstein, Jack Gray and Myles Thurlow on Sunday; Clifton Athearn, Jean Levesque and Scott Yapp on Monday; Shirley Cartier, Karl Hermanns, and Brian Jolley on Tuesday; Cherrilla Brown, Diane Abbot, Marianne Tsikitas, Elliot Tholen, Sioux Eagle, Marsha Winsryg and Debbie Farber on Wednesday; and Allison McKinley, Marissa Kaeka and Tina Sisson on Thursday. Happy anniversary to Chris Hind and Shannon Brown on Monday. Belated anniversary wishes to David Lewis and his wife Danica Kombol.
Well, that is all of the social news for this edition. Please call or e-mail me with your news. Good luck, Katie, at theBoston Pops on Tuesday! Have a great week.
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