The town of Aquinnah will quietly observe the 10th anniversary of the name change to Aquinnah, which became effective as of August 5, 1998. Now if only some of the offices within the Commonwealth will finally realize Aquinnah exists! There are still many agencies who on occasion will say they do not find the town of Aquinnah. Oh well! We do exist and have existed as a community forever. The town is awaiting the arrival of a new sign at the town line as the present one, for which we had waited nearly a year, has disintegrated significantly. Other than that, time marches on at this end of the Vineyard.
The community programs committee will be sponsoring a flea market and bazaar on Sunday, August 3 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the town hall. For vendor space, please call 508-645-3340. Time to clean out your attics, basements, and cellars of those annual collections one tends to accumulate. Join in the fun with those who will be there with their jewelry, books, clothing, pottery, crafts, handknit scarves, collectibles, and a giant free box. See you with the fleas.
The Possible Dreams auction for the benefit of Martha’s Vineyard Community Services will be held on Monday, August 4 at Outerland for the first time ever. Once again, Aquinnah’s own Capt. Rick Lee will be co-auctioneer with Susie Klein. See you at the auction.
Wednesday night is pizza night at the Orange Peel Bakery on State Road. Stop by and share in the fun with Julieanne Vanderhoop Mahoney and her children Ella and Emerson.
Aquinnah will have a special town meeting on Thursday, August 7 at 7 p.m. There are only four items on the agenda but your input is greatly needed. Please try to attend and voice your thoughts.
Condolences to the family of Caroline Crocker who died recently in Peabody. She had graciously shared her home recently with the Manning family while they were in Boston.
Susie Foster, daughter of Mark and Helena Foster of Concord and Pilot’s Landing, is working at Larsen’s Fish Market for the summer. Susie is a student at Williams College.
Vance Harrison and his wife Ellen of Florida have arrived for a brief stay at their Aquinnah home. They will remain here for the next two weeks after having missed the summer season of 2007 due to Mr. Harrison’s illness. They both look great and would appreciate a telephone call or a card to brighten their day.
Rebecca Hecht of Watertown, granddaughter of Amalie Kass, is working at Hatmarcha Shop at the Cliffs for the summer season. She will be heading to Stanford University for her freshman year in a few weeks.
Katie Mayhew was invited by our state representative, Eric Turkington, to share her musical talents before our State Legislature. On Wednesday, Katie appeared before one and all at the State House to dazzle them with her singing. Of course, her Mayhew family is just ecstatic with all the great moments over the summer thus far and look forward to many more.
Welcome home to Richard Monaco who has recently returned from his third tour of duty in Iraq. Thank you Richard for a job well done and for your commitment in preserving our freedom at home. After speaking with him on the telephone this week it was wonderful to discuss his recent decision to retire and to remain at home with his wife Muriel and their daughter Felicia, and to be back to civilian life once more.
Avi Morrow and his wife Dora have had a houseful at their home DoraLu Manor which is always bustling with family and friends. Their recent guests have included Dr. Marielle Bourget, an ophthalmologist from Montreal, Gaetan Guierrier, a well-known building contractor from Montreal, Rose Sugundo, a dear family friend, Laura Fish, senior attorney at Ogilvey-Walker and her husband Paul Goldin who is marketing manager at Avmor, Ltd., an ecologically safe cleaning products company in Montreal. They were accompanied by their children Sarah Freda, seven, and Jack, five.
The Manning family will quietly observe the memory of the passing of their father, grandfather and great-grandfather James W. Manning who died August 1, 1974.
Happy birthday wishes this week to Donald G. Smith as he celebrates a major milestone today and shares the day with Dr. Ryan Shea, Jason Boynton and Charity Randolph.
Meadow Bassett and Kendra Newick share the day on August 2. Fellow Vineyard Gazette columnist Nancy Gardella will observe her special day on August 3.
Dr. Peter J. Laursen will party on August 6. Terry Iadicicco Lowe will celebrate also on August 6.
Aquinnah town clerk Carolyn Feltz will party on August 7 and has already had a mini-celebration with her family. David Elliott Vanderhoop 2nd will be 20 years old on August 7.
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