The street sweeper has been by the house, the painters have painted the trim, next will be the grass cut and then it is official, school is open. How fast the summer went.
Happy birthday to all who celebrated their day this past week.
Big balloons go out to Linley Dolby who celebrated her day August 23, and happy anniversary to Linley and husband Dave Weagle who celebrated their fifth anniversary the same day. Happy birthday to Erika Bettencourt who celebrated her day August 27.
Special wishes to Les Baynes who celebrated his day August 28.
Happy anniversary to Dave and Corrine Alton who celebrate their first anniversary on Sept. 1.
Our anniversary was last week and in January when my niece Debbie was here she went on-line and found tickets for the Red Sox and Orioles at Camden Yards. So we decided it would be good for a road trip for all of us.
So Debbie, Amanda, Ralph and I left last weekend and we drove down for the week to Maryland. We stayed with our cousins Lynn and Mike who live in Finksburg, only a half-hour drive from Baltimore.
We went into the city and did the tourist thing by going to the aquarium; we did the duck boat tour. We looked around and almost every other person was a Red Sox fan. We went to Little Italy and had a great dinner and dessert. Then we went to the game on Tuesday night which we won. We had a great time and the company was good so it was a great trip.
As I write my articles I sometimes forget to include some names. I reported that Jonathan Jackson was here visiting his grandparents Beth and Bill Erickson. I however did not report that he did spend a couple of days with his grandparents Glenn Jackson and Rosemary at their farm in West Tisbury. He is also the great grandson of Sonny and Gerry Jackson of Florida and Woody Cushman of Rhode Island. I apologize for the error.
I have had several e-mails inquiring about Ursula Prada. There is a great e-mail page called Care Pages and if you follow the directions you can check on most anyone whose family has signed in. It is great as you can be updated on a person’s progress without asking the family. But to answer the e-mails I have received, Ursula is making slow but steady progress. They have her sitting in a chair. She is aware of things going on around her even though they have her sedated for comfort from some of the procedures she has had. She still has some tubes in but some have been taken off. They are getting ready to move her to a rehab soon on the Cape which will be great for all involved. There is still a no visitor tag on her door but as soon as she is able to have them we will let you know. Ursula is still in our prayers and thoughts as well as her family.
When we went to the beach two weeks ago I thought that time had fast forwarded. Much to our pleasure Eddie and Resa Sherr and their daughters Rebecca and Rachel were here for their visit early. They are usually down the last week of August but they were able to be here for three weeks. It was great to see them and of course the girls are really growing up.
As summer comes to its end I wish everyone a safe trip home and remember that some schools have already started and children will be out and about. Please drive carefully.
Have a great week and keep the home candles burning.
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