The Daybreak clubhouse has joined with Tisbury beautification volunteers to clean up and improve Vineyard Haven. Beginning August 13, members of the clubhouse could be seen wearing fluorescent vests, wielding poles with nails on the end and picking up trash — discarded diapers, bottles, newspapers, soda cans and discarded cigarettes.

Clubhouse members will continue to patrol Vineyard Haven, Monday through Thursday, for as long as current funds last. The Tisbury beautification group gives a modest stipend to each member for the work.

Daybreak members participating in the effort say they love the job and already were committed to a cleaner town, picking up trash on their own time when on an errand or other business in town.

Over the past three years the informal Tisbury beautification volunteers have been working to improve the appearance of Vineyard Haven — planting containers, pulling weeds, watering shrubs. However they quickly found that the hardest work is keeping the streets, parks, and planting tubs free of trash.

Last spring, Caron Soond wrote to the corporate offices of Cumberland Farms proposing that the convenience store, the location of some of the trash, sponsor a part-time seasonal person to walk through town to pick it up. Cumberland Farms donated $300 and pledged to keep their storefront parking area free of debris.

Ms. Soond contacted called Dick Marshall at Daybreak and asked if the clubhouse would like to take on the cleanup of Vineyard Haven. Mr. Marshall responded enthusiastically. They hit parking lots, Memorial Park, cleared the Stop & Shop planters of cigarette butts and surrounding areas, filling multiple garbage bags.

Beautification volunteers would like to see this kept up.

The Daybreak workers are enthusiastic and deserving but funds are needed to continue. Please make contributions payable to The Bird Houses and send to 159 Edgartown Road, Vineyard Haven, MA 02568. Businesses that would consider placing a donations container on their counter, please let us know.

For information, call 508-696-0274 or 508-696-7563 or e-mail