Thank you to all involved: the new Aquinnah sign is at the town line and looks terrific, after the previous one of nine years had deteriorated nearly beyond recognition.
As we watch the hurricane pattern over the weekend, the Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head (Aquinnah) plans to sponsor the fourth annual Powwow at Aquinnah Circle on Saturday as scheduled unless it is totally washed out. For up-to-date reports on the event, please call 508-645-9265, extension 110. If the weather holds out, grand entry begins at noon and there will be dancing, drumming and singing throughout the afternoon until 6 p.m. Four championship dancers will be in the circle most of the day. Our tribal veterans will be honored. Vendors will be available for native arts and crafts. Powwow T-shirts will be for sale. Raffles will be held for an array of native arts. The shops at the Cliffs will be open throughout the day. Please do not bring any pets, coolers, and as always no drugs or alcohol will be allowed. The VTA bus will stop right at the gate for your convenience. Tickets are $10 per adult, $5 for elders and children up to 12 years of age. Children under five are admitted free. Please join in the afternoon of learning more of our Wampanoag culture.
Sincerest condolences to the families of Robert Cronig, Bob Clark, Mary Dias and Summer Wibel who were each in their own way a part of our family life over the past several decades.
May we all pause to reflect on Sept. 11 as we all paused that day in 2001. Please be mindful of those who lost their lives that day, remembering their families and friends left behind and of those who served and protected our freedom.
Rock and Roll will be held for the benefit of Community Baptist Church at the Aquinnah Town Hall on Saturday, Sept. 13 from 7 to 11 p.m. Live music will be performed by Ed Fantasia’s group Tayke 3. It will be a grand time to party, enjoy a burger or hot dog and dance the night away. Rock and Roll will raise funds for the necessary repairs and maintenance which are needed on not only the church but also at the Parsonage. Admission will be $10.
Tyler Bellis and his bride Carrie Anne Vanderhoop returned to their home in Masset, British Columbia on Thursday after spending the past week with her Aquinnah family and friends. They were honored on Saturday evening with a Vineyard reception at the Aquinnah Shop.
Marjorie Vanderhoop Galbraith and her daughter Polly arrived on Friday to spend the holiday weekend with her brother Edwin Vanderhoop.
Corinna Majno and her husband Ken Kauffman arrived this week to spend the month at their family home overlooking Vineyard Sound. Her brother Lorenzo Majno arrived for a few days over the weekend and her brother Luca will arrive soon.
Our Up-Island Council on Aging law enforcement representative, West Tisbury Police Sgt. Skipper Manter, returned home this week after competing in several marathons and half marathons at Disney Land in Los Angeles. He wears his medals well and certainly caught the attention of all at the Wednesday night selectman’s meeting this week. While in Los Angeles, he met up with Kim Klaren’s brother Kenneth Romero of Tisbury who is in the entertainment world of Los Angeles and also participated in the marathons.
The Abyssinian cat missing from Lighthouse Road is actually named Gus although his name tag states Zeke. He is a small Abyssinian cat with a grey back and tan belly. Please check your screened porches and basements for Gus as he may need a food offering to catch him. Please call Arnold and Norma at 508-645-2292 or 617-262-0478 if there are any sightings. You may also call the local MSPCA office in Edgartown, as they have also been notified.
Happy seventh anniversary to Ricky and Michelle Duarte as they celebrate on Sept. 8.
Happy birthday wishes to our assistant plumbing inspector Mike Ciancio as he parties on Sept. 6.
A very special happy birthday to Paul G. Manning as he celebrates his day on Sept. 7.
Former school mates Danny Mayhew and Jeff Kurth will be celebrating their day on Sept. 8. Matthew (Cully) Vanderhoop will party on Sept. 9. Tyler Vanderhoop will be six years old on Tuesday. Matthew Seeman will celebrate on Sept. 10. Brian Little Buck Vanderhoop will party on Sept. 11.
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