

Chilmarkers were happy that hurricane Hanna went elsewhere, but there were many who enjoyed the high surf on the south side last weekend. The Squibnocket beach parking lot was crowded as spectators and surfers enjoyed the remnants of the storm. It was reported by some of the spectators that there were seals in the surf enjoying the show. The rest of the week was mostly sunshine and warmth. It is hard to believe that we are already up to double digits in September.

The buzz continues to be the matter of whether or not the town should buy the Home Port restaurant and grounds. Be sure and attend the Sept. 22 special town meeting and make your vote count.

The extended family of Olga Larsen Simmerman will gather at Abel’s Hill cemetery on Sept. 20 at 2 p.m. for a graveside service in her honor. All are welcome to join the family. Olga was the oldest of the children of Dan and Christine Larsen who came to Menemsha many years ago. She lived in town much of her life and has many family members and friends here. We all miss her.

This week the planning board is mailing out its survey to all town voters and property owners. Please take some time to read and answer this survey as the input the board receives will help them in the five-year revision of the Chilmark master plan that is underway now. The Planning board will be analyzing the returns and posting the results on the Chilmark town Web site. If you are a town voter or property owner and do not receive a survey, please contact Christina Soulagnet at town hall, 508-645-2104.

Don’t despair, there will be something to do when September ends and things get quiet in Chilmark. The Friends of the Chilmark Library want to offer a meeting night to all fiber hand-crafters. The purpose of the meetings will be to share knowledge and improve skills. All are invited to contact Susan Murphy at menemshamass@yahoo.com and tell her what your interests are.

Chris Dreyer of the Martha’s Vineyard Cultural Council tells us that the council will hold a grant workshop on Sept. 19 at 7:30 p.m. at the Howes House in West Tisbury. Any one interested in applying for a grant from the council is welcome. Both individuals and organizations may apply. Grant applications are available at all town halls and online at massculturalcouncil.org.

Author Thomas Dresser will speak at the Chilmark library on Sept. 17 at 5:30 p.m. about his book, Mystery on the Vineyard: Politics, Passion and Scandal on East Chop. The program is open to the public at no charge.

There will be an appreciation party at the Agricultural Hall for retiring Eric Turkington on Sept. 21 from 4 to 6 p.m. The public is invited.

The Yard will have performances at the Barn theatre at Beetlebung Corner on Sept. 19 thru 21. This production will feature some local performers. Please call the Yard for times and details at 508-645-9662.