On Sunday, Sept. 14, The Rev. Dr. Ian T. Douglas will be the preacher and celebrant at the final service of the season at Trinity Episcopal Church in Oak Bluffs. The church is located in Oak Bluffs across the street from the Steamship Authority Wharf. The morning service begins at 9 a.m.
Reverend Douglas was educated at Middlebury College, Harvard Graduate School of Education, Harvard Divinity School and Boston University where he earned respectively the degrees bachelor of arts, master of education, master of divinity and doctor of philosophy. Presently he is the Angus Dun Professor of World Mission and Global Christianity at the Episcopal Divinity School in Cambridge.
He is a member of the Design Group for the 2008 Lambeth Conference about which he will be speaking on Friday, Sept. 12, at 7 p.m. at Trinity Episcopal Church. Among other committees, he also has been a member of the Inter-Anglican Standing Commission on Mission and Evangelism; convener of the Seminary Consultation on Mission; consultant to the Presiding Bishop and House of Bishops; member of the House of Bishops theology committee; deputy to general convention 2000, 2003 and 2006.
His areas of expertise include missiology, globalization, studies in contemporary society and the post-colonial Anglican Communion, and American church history with special attention to the international work of the Episcopal Church, USA.
“These are tenuous times for the world and also for the church, especially the Anglican Communion. There is an urgent need in this age of globalization to learn about and live together in all of our differences,” he has said.
After the service, on the church lawn, there will be an opportunity to greet Reverend Douglas and his family. All are welcome.
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