Ken Kaufman and his wife, Corinne Majno, renewed their wedding vows on Monday at their family home overlooking Vineyard Sound. The service was performed by Rev. Michael Allen who was accompanied by his wife, Rev. Priscilla Allen. Corinne was simply gorgeous in her wedding gown. Guests enjoyed the early evening festivities as well as photographs on the beach despite the coolness of the day. Videographer Ken Wentworth filmed the entire celebration and Elaine Diotima Vogel Vanderhoop photographed all.
William Kistner and his wife, Joan, arrived on Thursday for a long weekend visit with our grandson, Noah James Manning, and his parents Paul and Theresa Manning. We all look forward to celebrating Bill’s birthday Oct. 5.
Noah Mayrand will be having a photography show at the Chilmark branch of Bank of Martha’s Vineyard at Beetlebung Corner, from Sept. 27 through Oct. 10. Noah will present his black and white photographs of hay bales from this summer and from his past year’s travels. Please stop by during banking hours to enjoy his show. Noah, the son of Michael and Carol Mayrand of Lighthouse Road, is a 2007 graduate of Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School who attended the Museum of Fine Arts School in Boston.
Welcome to Amos Tacknash Sauer, our newest tribal member, who was born Sept. 20 at Martha’s Vineyard Hospital. Amos weighed in at 6 pounds, 14 ounces and was 19 inches long. He is the son of Wenonah Madison and her husband, Dan Sauer. Grandparents are Jeffrey Madison of Woods Hole and Angela Waldron of Aquinnah. He is also the grandson of Patrick and Dolores Sauer. His great-grandparents are Chief Medicine Man Luther Madison of Aquinnah, Freda Rocker of Boston, and Eleanor Waldron of West Tisbury. Amos was welcomed home by his two-year-old brother, Waylon Madison Sauer.
On Sunday afternoon, our departing State Rep. Eric Turkington was honored at the Agricultural Hall in West Tisbury. The reception was attended by those who appreciated his efforts to serve over the past 20 years, including selectmen from most of the Vineyard towns.
Janis Vogel, daughter of Capt. Brian F. Vanderhoop and his wife, Elaine Diotima Vanderhoop, graduated from City College in New York at the end of May, culminating in a presentation of her thesis film, Drop, at the Directors Guild of America in New York city on June 1. There for the premiere were family from the Vineyard, New York and Maine. Also present was Murray Lerner, long-time Lobsterville summer resident, who was Janis’s mentor during production. Janis wrote, directed and produced Drop with the help of Island friends and former classmates Lila Fischer, Alexis Rothwell and Colin Ruel who created the music.
Janis’s mom, Elaine, made her home available as a film set. Julieanne Vanderhoop provided breads and baked goods from her Orange Peel Bakery. Janis has since begun working for Gold Crest Film Company in Manhattan. Her film was partly filmed at the beach in Chilmark (thanks to Chilmark fire chief David Norton) and partly in New York. You can see a trailer online at Dropfilm.org.
Thanks to tribal natural resources director Bret Stearns, we were able to obtain an ambulance for the up-Island emergency medical services coverage. A blessing of the ambulance was performed by Chief Medicine Man Luther Madison on Sept. 17. Thank you to all of the members of the Tri-Town Ambulance squad.
Thanks to the efforts of our tribal health director Ron MacLaren, and Bret Stearns, a team from the Center for Disease Control arrived this week to conduct a study of Lyme disease and tularemia. More than 100 tribal members were tested this week for a study of tick-borne illnesses. They also were tested for cholesterol and blood glucose. In exchange for a blood specimen to be studied, they were given dinner prepared by Kristina Leslie and her kitchen crew, a $10 gift card for Stop & Shop, and each will receive a pair of Nike Native American sneakers. Thank you to Muriel Monaco, Liz Wilson, Donna Enos and Ellen O’Brien for volunteering as phlebotomists.
Happy 30th anniversary to David and Diane (McManus) Jensen as they celebrated on Sept. 23. Happy 17th anniversary to Derrill Bazzy and Joanne Eccher on Sept. 27. Happy 23rd anniversary to Joseph and Linda (Toland) Hobbs on Sept. 28. Happy 13th anniversary to Capt. William D. Vanderhoop Jr. aka Captain Buddy and Lisa Bibko on Oct. 1. Happy 43rd anniversary to Richard and Karen (Barker) Duffy on Oct. 2. Happy fourth anniversary wishes to Hollis Smith and his wife Capt. Robin Robinson on Oct. 2.
Happy birthday wishes to Sarah Thulin today; she shares the day with Spa Tharpe as he celebrates a major milestone and Hillary Smith who also celebrates a milestone. Dennis Rose, Ronald Jeffers, Paul O’Donnell and Dr. Jason Lew all share the day on Sept. 27. Edwin J. Vanderhoop parties on Sept. 30.
Capt. Rick Lee’s special day is on Oct. 1. Grace Calla Vanderhoop will party on Oct. 1 as will Tim Murphy on Oct. 2.
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