Sincerest condolences to the family of Mrs. Eleanor (Thurber) Eglinas who died peacefully at home early on Thursday morning. A graveside service will be held on Saturday, Nov. 8 at the Smith Cemetery. Ellie was a classmate in the Class of 1964 at Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School and has enjoyed visits from her fellow classmates throughout the past week.
Roxanne Ackerman returned home recently after spending a month in California with her mother, Barbara Ackerman.
Carla (Giles) Cuch enjoyed a surprise birthday celebration on Halloween eve and it was a trick to surprise her. She looks quite radiant and we will now look forward to her attendance at our Elders luncheons.
Get well wishes to Nancy Delaney who was readmitted to Martha’s Vineyard Hospital over the weekend. She anticipates returning home soon and would appreciate cards and calls while she is confined to her home while regaining her strength.
Michael and Eleanor Hebert returned from their recent tour of San Francisco and Lake Tahoe. They enjoyed their trip immensely with friends.
Get well wishes to our beloved Chief Medicine Man Luther T. Madison who has been undergoing medical treatment each day in Hyannis for the past two weeks. Even throughout his medical care, Luther returns each afternoon to bake pies for his “Pies to Go.” If you would like to order a pie for a special occasion or for the holidays, please call his at 508-645-3142.
Two-year-old playmates, Noah James Manning and Oona Buresch Carroll enjoyed the aquarium in Boston on Wednesday afternoon.
Congratulations to Willy Marden who recently had an eagle on the sixth hole at Mink Meadows Golf Course. He achieved the eagle by getting a two on a par four hole. The golf ball went so high in the air it came down with such force that it was difficult to even get the flag out of the hole to retrieve the ball.
Julianne Vanderhoop will have her Orange Peel Bakery open on each Wednesday and Saturday through the Christmas holiday. If you would like to place special orders for breads, pastries or cookies, please call her at 508-645-2025.
Juleann VanBelle, R.N. will be at the Aquinnah town hall this week for your post-election blood pressure check. She would like to remind everyone that there will be an Island-wide flu clinic at the high school on Nov. 11 from 8 a.m. to 12 noon. There will also be a flu clinic at the Aquinnah town hall on Thursday, Nov. 13 from 5:30 to 7 p.m. and then on to the special town meeting. Anyone five years of age and older is welcome to receive the vaccination. Juleann will also have a clinic on Nov. 19 from 4 to 6 p.m. which includes the flu and the pneumonia vaccine. At that time she will hold her monthly health clinic for all residents of Aquinnah. For details, call 508-693-6659 or 774-563-0666.
Tuesday, Nov. 11 is Veterans Day. Please be mindful of those who have served to protect our nation and our freedom and thank them for their service.
The voter turnout on Tuesday was astonishing but certainly is a testament to our desire to get back to reality. In our Aquinnah community alone there were 312 out of 398 voters who came to the polls to vote.
It is vital to have your current name and address on file with your town clerk to be eligible for voting. I had a great discussion with Steve Nichols the other evening. One tidbit Steve informed me of was the fact that if you do not respond to a jury duty request within a specified period of time, the police have a summons for you which they will serve at your registered voter address but if you are not there, they will have a warrant for your arrest.
The other side of the coin is the fact that Steve’s grandson was not allowed to vote in his home town as he was not on the street listing as of January 2008 and his name was removed from the voting list. Steve’s son was serving our country in Iraq where he had previously been wounded in action yet had returned to the front. He was not allowed to vote on Tuesday.
Happy birthday wishes to Rachel Zack on Nov. 6 and to Aquinnah’s own paramedic Nick Thorne as he celebrates today. Our treasured Chief Medicine Man Luther T. Madison will celebrate on Nov. 9. As you head to Martha’s Vineyard Savings Bank on Nov. 10, please wish Molly Cournoyer a happy one. Martha Vanderhoop will celebrate her special day on Nov. 11. Sarah Howes parties on the 12th.
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