I was driving around my neighborhood; I’m not going to mention the street or the miscreant. But someone has already put up their outdoor Christmas lights! I finally got used to Thanksgiving decorations put out in stores before Halloween was over. Then I accepted those who put out their Christmas lights by Thanksgiving weekend; I figured they were cooking for lots of families and the bodies were there, no meal is free. Okay. But I find this totally unacceptable, as this makes those procrastinators among us — raise your hand — feel totally inadequate. I call for a new town ordinance, no Christmas decorations before the day after Thanksgiving!
So the election is over, finally. I have explained the electoral college in two languages for at least two months. I checked in at our town hall, where many people registered to vote who had never voted before. That’s a good thing. People ask me how I voted and what do I think of the outcome. Our votes, thank God, are secret. And while I always hope for the best, I believe, like the Sting song If I Lose My Faith in You, that politicians remind me of game show hosts. I have to be wary. Could anything be worse than the last eight years? I sincerely hope not.
The seventh installment of the award-winning Eyes On The Prize will be shown at our library on at Monday 7 p.m., with guest speakers and commentary. I truly believe that this series can show our young people how we got to where we are today — with Barack Obama in the White House. Bring your kids and I’ll see you there.
In other library news, there will be early dismissal at Tisbury School next Wednesday, so a movie and popcorn will be available for ages four and up from 1 to 3 p.m. This is about an elephant who really listens. Bring your kids.
On Nov. 13 at the library there is gaming for ages 10 and up, following the early dismissal for grades five through eight. Compared to the kids’ schedule these days, do you feel that you were imprisoned in elementary school?
Continuing our studies on sustainability, Today’s Energy Reality is the subject of the talk at the library on Wednesday, Nov. 12, at 7 p.m. Peter Cabana is the host for this free event.
The best news of all from the library came from new director Amy Ryan. The library will now be open on Sundays from noon to 4 p.m., with coffee provided by Mocha Mott’s.
The Louisa Gould Gallery has an opening reception tomorrow from 4 to 6 p.m. honoring a rare body of work. The Permanent Collection of the Martha’s Vineyard Art Association from the Old Sculpin Gallery has a unique collection of work from artists with an Island connection. Join me for an artistic time.
Believe it or not, it’s time to prepare for Thanksgiving, as I keep warning the flock of eight wild turkeys who congregate in my front yard. I love my counterpart, Kay Mayhew, who writes for the Martha’s Vineyard Times, but we disagree strongly on the usefulness of neighborhood turkeys.
Meanwhile, many of our other neighbors aren’t able to provide a great Thanksgiving meal for their families and this is where you come in. The Vineyard Committee on Hunger, in conjunction with Reliable Market and several local houses of worship, are working together to ensure a terrific Thanksgiving (and Christmas) meal for those in need. Last year they ran out of meals. Reliable Market is putting together baskets that include turkey, stuffing, potatoes, cranberry sauce, diner rolls, onions, carrots, apples, squash, pumpkin and gravy. Serving Hands, formerly Surplus Food, will distribute. Please make checks payable to the Vineyard Committee on Hunger and indicate it is for the Family-to-Family Program, VCOH, P.O. Box 1874, VH, MA 02568.
The Martha’s Vineyard Women’s Network is offering a workshop at the Mansion House on Nov. 12 from 8 to 11 a.m. The theme is Take Charge of Your Life and Money, Choose to Own Your Money, plan for your future dreams. The fee is $49 which includes continental breakfast. To reserve a place call 508-696-0038 or visit Men are welcome, as always.
I read a terrific book last summer, and couldn’t sleep until I was done with it — Tell No One, by Harlan Coben. The film plays at the Katharine Cornell Theatre tomorrow night at 7:30 p.m. I’ll see you there.
What would I do without my favorite stringer, Ed Colligan, to remind me of when to honor the troops? Help us put up over 400 flags at the Oak Grove Cemetery in Vineyard Haven on Tuesday, Veterans Day. Flags go up at 7:30 a.m., and help is needed to take them down at 3 p.m. Every flag has a name; every person is welcome from all towns. The parade steps off from Our Market in Oak Bluffs at 10:45 a.m. Remember, our veterans did what they did so you could vote last Tuesday. God bless them all.
The birthday bandwagon pulls along Stormy Serusa, Lynne Kressin, and Jeffrey Masi Jr. today. Tomorrow is shared by Nancy MacMullen and Adelaide Silva. Nov. 9 is a party for Barbara Jo Cayer, Matt Medeiros, Maria de Pinha and Evan Scott-Jennings. Nov. 10 is the birthday of the United States Marine Corps and Binnie Ravitch. Nov. 11 honors Willa Shalit, Lizanne Donegan and Victoria Hehre. Nov. 12 is claimed by Tim Sylvia, Matt Brown, Cricket Willoughby and Isaque Silva. And on Nov. 13 Lisa Quartoroli and Rosemary Jackson take the cake. Many happy returns.
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