I am writing before Thanksgiving Day and can only hope that all went well with your holiday dinner and family reunion. There are many events to keep us busy and entertained for the next few weeks.
Remember, Chilmark Chocolates will be open all this weekend.
There will be an antique show and sale this weekend at the Grange Hall in West Tisbury and there will be a flea market on Dec. 6 at the Chilmark Community Center from 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Vendors may call Coco Adams or Ethel Sherman for display tables.
The Martha’s Vineyard Seacoast Defense Chapter of the DAR sends thanks to Chilmark School’s principal Diane Gandy, her staff and the students and their families who generously contributed to their drive to collect items for the veterans in the Veterans Hospitals. More than 200 items were received and gifts to three hospitals are planned.
Carol Brown Goldberg who is a noted American artist as well as a longtime Chilmark seasonal resident will be speaking about her work at Adamer Fine Arts in Miami on Dec. 4 at 2 p.m.
Jarvis Kellogg, his wife Betsy Munnell and their three daughters will all be in Chilmark the day after celebrating Thanksgiving with family in Haverill.
Habitat for Humanity of Martha’s Vineyard will hold their annual meeting on Dec. 4 at 5:30 p.m. at the Vineyard Housing Office at 346 State Road in Vineyard Haven. I know some Chilmarkers are workers for this worthy effort and maybe more will join in.
The first of the winter’s chowder luncheons with a movie matinee will be at the Chilmark library on Wednesday, Dec. 10 at noon. This program is co-sponsored by the Menemsha Fish Market and the Friends of the Library.
The first of three French cooking lessons is on Dec. 3 at 6 p.m. at the library. Chef Jean-Marc Dupon of Le Grenier will teach us about cream sauces. The public is invited free of charge.
Best wishes from us all to Irene Tewksbury, assistant librarian, who is recuperating from recent surgery. We all hope she will be out and about soon.
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