The Permanent Endowment for Martha’s Vineyard is accepting applications for its spring grant cycle. The endowment welcomes inquiries from Island nonprofit organizations seeking funding for programs and initiatives that will benefit the Vineyard community. In the past, the Endowment has provided support for the arts and culture, civic affairs and community development, education, the elderly, the environment, health and youth. Applications must be postmarked by Feb. 16 and applicants will be notified of grant awards in March. All applicants will be invited to meet with representatives of the Board of the Permanent Endowment to discuss their proposals.

Established in 1982, the Permanent Endowment puts charitable contributions to work for the people of Martha’s Vineyard by making grants, funding scholarships and building an endowment that will provide the resources to address the Island’s needs in perpetuity. Grants are awarded twice a year, in the spring and in the fall.

Application materials are available or by calling 508-338-4665.