Zeb: Schooner Life, a documentary produced by Detrick Lawrence Productions of Edgartown, has won the Best of Show Award from the California-based Accolade competition. The award was given for a documentary which features an exceptional story line.
The film explores the life and times of Captain Zeb Tilton, who kept alive a way of life, moving freight under sail, long after others had consigned it to the dustbin of history.
It also tells the story of the Alice S. Wentworth, his iconic schooner, and role of schooners in American maritime history. Gordon Massingham of Tisbury directed the film.
Mr. Massingham, no stranger to film festival awards having won 140, says, “Many people put a great deal of effort into making the film a success, so it’s nice to see that work rewarded. We’re hopeful the award will bring the film to the attention of a wider audience.”
Detrick Lawrence has produced some 200 films. This film is based on the book Zeb, Celebrated Schooner Captain of Martha’s Vineyard, by Polly Burroughs and premiered this past summer at Vineyard Haven’s Capowock Theatre.
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