Chilmark has many reminders that spring is coming and, hopefully, soon! The snows of the past two days are gone after today’s rain. The daffodils that are peeking out of the sunny sides of yards will have had a good wetting this week.
Speaking of daffodils, Dorothy Bangs is again arranging the sale of bunches of daffodils at several locations around the Island for the benefit of the American Cancer Society. Dorothy deserves many thanks for her many faithful years of planning this fund-raising event. Debbie Magnuson will be selling them up-Island at the West Tisbury post office on March 19.
The Chilmark Preschool will present a spring celebration on Saturday, March 21 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Chilmark Community Center. There will crafts, games, food and many other events with some animals to amuse the children. It is planned to be a fun-filled day of family activities.
The Chilmark library is planning a spring fling on Saturday, March 21 from 10:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Crafts, snacks, and games will we available. The big attraction will be the playing with the new Wii games. There are five different games scheduled on the Wii that will amuse folks young and old so check out the schedule at the library. Surely you know by now that Wii games are action games played with a computer! Go and try them!
Jim and Diane Morgan and their children, Lily and Alistair, are home from an exciting vacation week at Disney World in Florida. While there, they spotted other Chilmark folk enjoying the sun and fun.
The Powder and the Glory, a film about the lives and work of Helena Rubinstein and Elizabeth Arden, will be shown on WGBH on March 23 at 10 p.m. Chilmark seasonal resident, Arnie Reisman in partnership with Ann Carol Grossman, made this film which tells us of the successful lives of these two business women who did much more than teach us to powder our noses! The film is being shown in honor of Women’s History month.
Lights Out Martha’s Vineyard is an annual event to draw attention to the need to conserve energy and reduce our carbon footprint on the earth. The Vineyard Conservation Society, Felix Neck and the Vineyard Energy Project are working in conjunction with the World Wildlife Fund in sponsoring this event. On March 28 we are asked to darken our homes from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m. Many cities and towns will join us across our country and beyond. Please go to earthhour.org for more information.
I am still enjoying the facts and figures preserved in the 1887 Town Report of Chilmark. The town supported four schools back then: Menemsha School, South School, Keephickon School and Noman’sland (sic) School. The total cost of running the schools for that year was $659.97 with $36.47 of that spent for books and supplies. That same report tells us the library had 821 books and $16.52 in the treasury. It was a different world, to say the least!
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