I don’t know about anyone else but I think every year it takes me a little longer to get used to the time change. I love that there is light at the end of the day but I like the light in the morning; it helps getting up easier, but oh well this too shall pass.
Happy birthday to all who celebrated their day this past week. Big balloons go out to Kya Maloney, who celebrated March 8, Philip Jordan and Ava Thors, March 11, and to Caroline Gazaille who celebrates her day today March 13.
Linda Leonard of Bold Meadow wrapped up her birthday celebration week with a surprise potluck dinner with friends Wednesday night. The biggest surprise was the Barbie party theme chosen for the evening in honor of Barbie’s recent news making birthday celebration. The evening concluded with a traditional Barbie doll birthday cake, created by baker Val Stoyer. Celebrating Linda and Barbie’s achievements were Sarah Kuh, Leslie Bagnall, Janet Hathaway, Barbara Welsh and Patty Zadeh.
Ralph and I went to Somerset this past weekend to see our great niece Kaleigh perform in her concert choir competition. They all did so well and the talent that is in this state is amazing. We saw the night competition of the top four schools of the day and whereas Somerset was the host, their performance was judged but it did not count. New Bedford won the competition and there were a lot of excited people in the auditorium. There is so much talent in the kids and a lot of hard work went behind what they did. We were very proud to be a part of it.
While there we went by the house that exploded the week before. It was a very humbling sight to see and know that things could have been a lot worse as the houses are so close together. I guess the most awakening part was the people across the street were getting ready to sit down to dinner when the house blew and they lost the front of their house. When the EMS arrived you could see the table set from the outside. It shows you never know what life is going to serve you so live everyday to the fullest.
Suzan Sklarsky Dael asked me to put this in the column and I thought it was a great project:
Lights Out Martha’s Vineyard is an Island-wide energy conservation event on Saturday, March 28. Islanders are encouraged to join the world in turning out all non-essential lighting for one hour between 8:30 and 9:30 p.m.
This event is being held in conjunction with Earth Hour sponsored by the World Wildlife Fund. To date there are 931 cities and 80 countries who have committed to turning out their lights for this important hour. Updated statistics and further details are available at earthhour.org.
Last year NStar determined that the Vineyard saved enough kilowatts to power the needs of 1032 households for one hour. Earth Hour estimates that turning lights out in the United States for even one hour could save as much as 15 per cent of the energy consumed on an average Saturday night. It is a way to demonstrate that we can take actions that will save electricity, reduce carbon emissions into our air and help preserve our natural resources.
Lights Out Martha’s Vineyard promotes these energy savings tips:
• Turn off non-essential lights when not in use.
• Install motion sensors or timers on all outdoor lighting.
• Get an energy audit and follow the energy saving recommendations.
• Install compact fluorescent light bulbs in homes and offices.
• Towns: use motion sensors at your municipal buildings; replace street lights with LED bulbs.
• Plug all electronics into power strips and turn off when not in use.
Spring is on its way. Michael Donaroma has found his way back to the Island from St. John and is planning the season. Word has it the fertilizer is due in and we have received many herbs and some trees, and bushes will arrive in the next couple of weeks, so it won’t be long before you start seeing new greenery around.
Dorothy Bangs will be selling daffodils on Wednesday morning in front of Cronig’s Market. The proceeds for the sale will go to the search for the cure of cancer. Also just think how nice the house would look with a breath of spring inside.
Have a great week and keep the home candles burning.
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