The sun has been shining and I have a daffodil that has bloomed in the yard and you can see the buds on the trees getting bigger and bigger everyday. We also planted our peas on St. Patrick’s Day as we were told if we wanted peas by Memorial Day; they have now sprouted.
Happy birthday to all who celebrated their day this past week. Big balloons go out to Caroline Fournier, and Caitlin Grzesiuk and Jermaine Mendez who all celebrated their day March 22; Colleen Carroll and Celia Mercier, March 24; Charlotte Hammond, March 25; Amelia Durawa, March 26; and to Keira Mercier, who celebrates her day today March 27.
I received a phone call from a little birdie to wish Donna Bishop a happy birthday on April 1. Hope you have a great day.
Jan Norton called me and told me that she heard a pinkletink the other night. Spring is getting closer.
So we were watching TV one night and the commercial for Falmouth Toyota came on. We looked at the person in the cab of one of the trucks and lo and behold it was Troy Lowell-Bettencourt. Now I wonder if he bought the truck.
I’m sure everyone has been following the work at State Beach and how hard these men have worked taking the sand bar out in front of the big bridge to increase the water flow in Anthiers and putting the sand on the beach. It is coming along nicely and I am sure we are all excited about seeing the final stage. I noticed the other day that some beach grass has been planted at the Bend of the Road and further down. Let’s hope it will be taken care of and Mother Nature will let it thrive. Nice job everyone.
Things have been quiet in the news department but with the town coming out of hibernation I’m sure there will be more to report.
Have a great week and keep the home candles burning.
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