Money to rebuild stone walls and jump-start building design for the Middle Line housing project, shared spending on health care access and rodent control, and a $6.6 million annual town budget are the central items that will come before Chilmark voters at their annual town meeting Monday night.
The 32-article warrant reads much like a profile of Chilmark itself: spare and threaded with Yankee thrift. The annual operating budget is a slight decrease from last year, making Chilmark the only town on the Island to see its budget go down instead of up this year.
The meeting begins at 7:30 p.m. in the Chilmark Community Center. Longtime moderator Everett Poole will preside.
A lengthy zoning bylaw that would regulate wind turbines in town is expected to be withdrawn by the planning board. The wordy bylaw takes up a good portion of the warrant, but at a meeting on April 13 the planning board voted to withdraw the bylaw on the town meeting floor, feeling that it needed more work. The planning board meets again on Monday afternoon at 4:30 p.m. in the town hall for one last discussion on the bylaw before the town meeting. A similarly long and complicated wind turbine bylaw was also withdrawn at the West Tisbury annual town meeting this year.
A second zoning bylaw amendment that would regulate excessive noise from residential outdoor mechanical systems such as swimming pool heat pumps, generators and air conditioners is also on the warrant. Under the bylaw, machinery that “has the potential to generate . . . noise pollution” must be placed in a soundproof enclosure. Wind turbines are specifically exempted.
The town operating budget is inching downward in Chilmark this year, by about $20,000.
Town employees are on track for some kind of cost of living increase, ranging from two to three per cent, but the three selectmen disagree over how much is appropriate this year in the economic downturn. Voters will be asked to settle the matter on Monday night.
In other warrant articles, voters will be asked to spend $92,000 to design three rental duplex units at the Middle Line Road affordable housing project, the first town-sponsored affordable housing project in Chilmark history. The Middle Line property lies off Tabor House Road. The project has been ongoing for some two years and has been plagued with small problems and setbacks, including troubles with the access road and a legal problem with the design bid early on. Selectmen have stayed the course and believe the project is now ready for building design to begin.
Voters will also take up a request to use $24,000 in Community Preservation Act money to restore historic stone walls on South Road. The stone wall restoration program is ongoing in this rural town, where the old walls along country roads are considered a distinct part of the town’s character.
Echoing other Island towns, the Chilmark warrant this year includes several shared spending requests and matters of a regional nature, including:
• $13,606 to pay the town’s share of the Vineyard Health Care Access Program (in two articles).
• $4,691 to pay the town’s share of the county pest management program.
• A trust fund and money to seed it ($100,000) to cover future town employee post-retirement benefits, plus $500 for an actuarial study of the benefits (in three articles).
Voters will also be asked to invoke a state law that allows any town resident who is a member of the Massachusetts National Guard or Guard reserves to defer excise tax payments with no interest or penalty for 180 days after completing service.
And they will be asked to accept another law that allows residents over the age of 60 to receive a reduction on their property tax bill in exchange for volunteering their services in town.
The annual town election is Wednesday; and again, like the warrant the slate is clean with no contests and no Proposition 2 1/2 override questions. Frank Fenner Jr. is running unopposed for selectman this year.
Polling hours are from noon to 8 p.m. at the Chilmark Community Center.
The Chilmark annual town meeting warrant is published on Page Four-A in today’s edition.
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