The weekend weather was a mixed bag. Last Saturday, an Island-wide bike race was held even though the weather was raw and filled with showers.
The orioles (birds that is) will be returning to town soon. The late Emma Whiting had records to prove that they always return by the 12th, and bird watchers will keep a sharp eye out for them on Tuesday.
The VTA buses began operating on their summer schedule last Saturday morning with additional weekend trips with a temporary stop on Music street and in front of the Grange Hall.
The town hall restoration project, according to project manager Jim Hudson, is just about on schedule. The building is nearly shingled; insulation and dry wall are being installed. Jim has been convinced for some time that the third floor has a ghost or two. Unusual white murky clouds appear from time to time. At first he thought it was merely dust from the carpentry work but he has checked it early in the morning when they first arrive at the job and they are there. He photographed them to show people. The stumps from two elm trees cut down last fall were removed on Monday. Elms had been in front of the building, and the one before it, for more than 150 years.
Linda Baughman has returned from her trip to China and Tibet. She is staying with Phyllis Meras at her Music street home. Linda reports that she really enjoyed her Asian trip and the sights, scenes and memories will be with her for some time to come.
Malcolm and Judy Hall, of Oklahoma City, Okla., arrived last weekend to open up their house on Pond Road for the season. Malcolm had two dozen okra plants shipped here from Oklahoma and has planted them in their garden. Judy is fresh back from attending the spring Carmen Miranda Art Festival in Delaware.
Marian Irving, of Old County Road, has just returned from a four-concert tour in France and Switzerland with Peter Boak and the Federated Church Choir. Other townspeople in the group of 47 included Betsy Vanlandingham, Judy and Tad Crawford, and Elaine and Dan Pace. In Normandy, they visited the WWII beaches where the Allied invasion took place 65 years ago next month, and the American Cemetery which, Marian reports, had a profound effect on everyone. The chestnut trees were blooming in Paris, and about 400 people were present for the Sunday service in the American Church in Paris where the choir sang. They also visited Versailles, Notre Dame, the Latin Quarter, and had an opportunity to enjoy Vivaldi’s Four Seasons in concert at La Sainte-Chapelle highlighted the weekend. The tour continued onto Reims to visit the cathedral, where Joan of Arc, once stood, with its stained glass window designed by Marc Chagall. Crossing into Switzerland, the group performed in a lovely church nestled into snow-capped mountains. Lucerne offered a cruise on the lake and lovely old buildings, bridges and cheese fondue. Zurich, equally lovely, was the final destination. They arrived home last Saturday evening, and the faithful Patriot whisked them back to their Island homes.
Sam Alley, of State Road and Framingham State College, has finished his junior year and has returned for the summer. He plans on returning to Sparkle Window Washers for his second summer.
Joyce Dresser reports that the Oak Bluffs historical commission continues its historical programs for 2009. They are sponsoring an evening of historical remembrances of going to school in Oak Bluffs. Commission members have acquired many photos and documents that offer history, humor and appreciation of the hard work our predecessors have done to establish and continue a strong academic environment. In addition, you may find an ancestor or yourself in one of the photos!
An Evening of Memories of Going to School in Oak Bluffs, 1880 -1960 will be presented on Thursday, May 14 at 6 p.m. in the Oak Bluffs Public Library meeting room. For details, call the public library at 508-693-9433.
Julie Willett, executive director of Habitat for Humanity, reports that they and the town are seeking a family that meets the criteria, to purchase a three bedroom affordable home. The deadline is May 18. Any questions, give her a call at 508-696-4646.
Jane Carroll, president of the Cancer Support Group, reports that they will be holding its 5th annual gala celebration, An Evening under the Stars, on Thursday from 6 to 9 p.m. at the relocated Mediterranean restaurant, owned by Doug and Leslie Hewsen, now in Oak Bluffs. This year’s event will be held in memory of longtime member Judith Olson. The sponsors are the Martha’s Vineyard Savings Bank, Leigh Carroll of Carroll’s Trucking and many other businesses that donated goods to make it happen. Music will be provided by the Mike Benjamin Trio. The dress code is casual elegance. For more information, call Jane at 508-696-9849.
Warren and Marilyn Hollinshead, of Pond View Farm Road, are back after driving 3,500 miles to Florida and back. They visited many friends along the way, including former Vineyarders Lois and Preston Kavanagh. They spent a week in Orlando with children and grandchildren, visiting Disney World and the Kennedy Space Center. Along the way, they looked up some of Warren’s family history in Charleston, S.C., and Fort Valley, Ga.
Paddy Moore reports that the Democratic Council of the Vineyard will meet tomorrow morning at 9am in the Howes House. There will be a discussion with the delegates to the state convention next month and a conversation with our state representative, Tim Madden.
Tom Dresser wants to remind you that the annual Alzheimer’s Miles of Memories Walk/Paddle will happen on Sunday, May 17 at State Beach. Participants may walk the bike path from Little Bridge to Big Bridge and back, or kayak through Sengekontacket. The Walk/Paddle sets off at noon from Little Bridge. Funds raised remain on the Cape and Islands to assist people with Alzheimer’s.
Tom is too modest to mention that he has a new book. In My Life, a fictional account of young lovers coming of age in the 1960s, is sure to resonate with young and old alike. Tom hosts a book signing at Slice of Life on Circuit avenue on Monday, May 18 from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m.
Happy birthday to: Madeline Tramontano, Jessica Estrella, Sky MacDuff and Ken O’Connor today, Shanti Blum, Lynne Whipple and Rebecca Rattner tomorrow, Phyllis Meras, Chris Decker and John Osmers on Sunday, Michael McCarthy, Shane Fisher and Todd Murtha on Monday, Beverly Mazza, Liza Williamson and Daniel Benedetto and on Tuesday, Rufus Peebles, Martha Hubbell, Nicole Galland, Edmund Cottle III, and Janice Paul on Wednesday, Donald Fisher, Susan Hopkins, Kitty Murphy, Brendan O’Neil and Jason Napior on Thursday. A very happy 26th wedding anniversary to David and Eleanor Stanwood on Wednesday.
Well, that is all of the social news for this week’s column. If you have any news, please call or e-mail me. Happy Mother’s Day to all of the moms out there, and have a great week.
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