A daylong meditation retreat with Mark Hart will be held on Saturday, May 23, at the Unitarian Universalist Society chapel on Main street in Vineyard Haven. The retreat will be held from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Mr. Hart has practiced insight meditation since 1981, primarily studying with teachers from the Insight Meditation Society in Barre. Since 2000 he has also been a student of non-dual awareness. He is the founder and guiding teacher of the Bodhisara Dharma Community. He holds a master’s degree in counseling and a doctoral degree in theology, and in addition to teaching meditation, has a private practice of psychotherapy in Amherst and is an adjunct religious advisor at Amherst College.
There is a suggested donation of $20 for a full day or $10 for a half day.
All are welcome regardless of their ability to make a donation.
Please bring a bag lunch; tea, soup and cookies will be served.
For questions or to register, call 508-693-8982, or e-mail uusmv@verizon.net.
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