The East Chop Association held its annual July meeting at the beach club last Saturday. President Craig Dripps called the meeting to order at 10 a.m. Mary Dibble read the minutes from the August 2008 meeting which were approved. John Breckenridge gave the treasurer’s report for John Caldwell who was out of town. It was reassuring to learn that the financial health of the association is sound. John also reported on the extensive work done by his committee to maintain our parks. President Dripps reported that the remediation work on Crystal Lake would continue.
The main thrust of the meeting was devoted to a discussion of the problems relating to the bluff. Two years ago the town of Oak Bluffs funded a study on the health of the bluff. The results of the study were troubling. The report makes clear that the stability of the bluff has dangerously deteriorated to the point where it is one major storm away from undergoing catastrophic damage. The report describes it as a “failed coastal bank.”
The East Chop Association owns the bluff along East Chop Drive. The engineering study estimates that $10 million or more will be needed to preserve the integrity of the bluff. The simple truth is that funds of that magnitude go well beyond the financial means of the association. In addition, the association does not qualify for state and federal funds for coastal remediation.
To deal with these problems, the East Chop Association is looking into the possibility of transferring ownership of the bluff to the town of Oak Bluffs. President Dripps invited Joan Hughes, chair of the Oak Bluffs conservation commission, to explain how such a transfer would work. Ms. Hughes reported that lawyers representing the association and the town would draw up an agreement of transfer under state conservation restrictions. She assured those attending the meeting that any agreement would protect the interests of private landowners along the bluff, and that no new land uses would be allowed. If such a transfer is made, the bluff will become part of a much larger project undertaken by the town to preserve the Oak Bluffs shoreline. Funding has already been approved by the town to complete engineering studies requested by federal and state governmental agencies for coastline preservation from the East Chop Light to Farm Pond.
The legal process for transfer requires a two-thirds vote of approval from the East Chop association board. No binding vote from association members will be sought or is required. However, President Dripps assured those in attendance that the board wants extensive input from the community before an actual decision is made at the end of the summer. Concerned East Chop residents who would like to express an opinion on this issue can e-mail Craig at cdripps@mvyps.org.
The fifth annual celebration of Della Hardman Day will take place on July 24 and 25. Della was an artist, educator and writer who came to the Vineyard at age three. She became a year-round resident of our community in 1986 until her death in 2005. The Spirituals Choir, with Jim Thomas as director, will perform a Sunset Concert at the East Chop Light beginning at 7 p.m. on Friday, July 24. On Saturday, July 25 at the Bandstand at Ocean Park, A Jazz Tribute to President Barack Obama will be held from 4 to 6 p.m. Interested residents who would like to honor one of our most distinguished citizens are urged to attend both events.
The finals of the July tennis tournament at the East Chop Tennis Club were held over three days due to poor weather conditions. On Saturday afternoon Lyn Herrick outlasted Christina Cornell 3-6, 7-5, 6-4 to win the women’s singles. On Sunday Ken Blacklow and Bells Potter defeated the father and son team of Dan and Sam Protzmann 7-6, 6-1 to capture the men’s doubles crown. Before an enthusiastic luncheon crowd later that afternoon, Nick Hyzak defeated Zack Wooster 7-5, 6-4 to win the men’s singles. Finally, on Monday morning Gretchen Massey and Allie Hyzak teamed up to defeat Lyn Herrick and Liz Huss 6-2, 6-3 in the women’s doubles.
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