News from my ‘hood. Now, this may be a family newspaper, but I never said this was a family column. Send the little ones out of the room while you read this aloud to your partner, and don’t let the teenagers get their hands on this column, it might give them more bad ideas. I have it on the best authority, and I must protect my impeccable source, about an incident in my neighborhood a week ago Thursday. I shall also not reveal the property on which it occurred so you don’t all show up with lawn chairs and beers at 6 a.m. waiting for a repeat performance. My source was walking her dog at 5:50 a.m. on Thursday July 30 and, lo and behold, on a homeowners’ lawn, facing Franklin street, near one of the bus stops, two people who looked to be in their twenties, were engaged in an act of congress. Note the lower case on “act of congress;” we’re not talking politics here. All I could think of was the Beatles’ song: Why Don’t We Do It in the Road? My astonished dog walker, who had left the house without her cell phone, shouted for them to stop and move along. They did move along, about 50 feet, and took up again. Helpless, with no phone to call the proper authorities, my friend finally yelled, “Go back to whatever state you come from.” Sounds like the state of bliss and bad judgement to me.
Thank you all for your birthday greetings, cards and gifts. My Brazilian friends had a lovely surprise luncheon for me with homemade coxinhas, pastilles and a cake to die for. Thank you, Ana Cecilio for your excellent baking skills; Gisele Nascimento for bringing the wine, her husband, Joalser, and her adorable daughter, Emanuelly; Bill Little for stopping by; and all my neighborhood friends who came by later to eat cake and party. Also in the ’hood now are annual vacationers, Leda Giatti and Carolyn Walters, up from New York, ensconced in their August rental on Bernard Circle. Leda and Carolyn took me out Tuesday night to a fabulous dinner at Nicky’s. Nicky’s is always a treat, so relaxing and the food is excellent. Same time, next year.
The Dunhams of Skiff avenue are pleased to be hosting Stephen Dunham Sr. from South Dakota. Stephen is here for the week, catching up with family, friends and his childhood haunts. He gave me a harrowing description of the amount of snow South Dakota experienced last winter. God bless him, I couldn’t live there.
I know it’s a difficult time to get off Island to attend Red Cross volunteer classes in Hyannis, but if you are dedicated, can do it, and want to avoid the soon-to-be traffic crunch because of celebrity visitors, call Mike Robbins, our training administrator, at 508-888-7316 or 508-397-9274. The first class is on August 10. We thank all our Red Cross donors and volunteers. Perhaps you would enjoy a day on the Cape while everyone else heads here.
Author Pat Sullivan presents Lift Every Voice: the NAACP and the Making of the Civil Rights Movement tonight at the Tabernacle at 7 p.m.. This special event is hosted by Sheldon Hackney and features guests Charlayne Hunter-Gault, Margaret Burnham, Clark Johnson and Charles Ogletree. VIP tickets, with preferred seating, entrance to the reception at 5:30 p.m., and a free signed copy of the book are $150 each and only available through the Martha’s Vineyard Museum. General admission is $15, tickets may be purchased at Alley’s General Store, Bunch of Grapes and the museum. All proceeds from this event will benefit the museum. Call 508-627-4441 for information. I’ll see you there.
One of our best-loved organizations, MV Helping Homeless Animals, is holding a bake sale fund raiser tomorrow at Cronig’s Market from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. If you would like to donate baked goods, bring them between 9 and 11 a.m.. To meet board of health requirements, please individually wrap each cookie, brownie or other treat. This is a great place to pick up desserts for your houses overflowing with summer guests. Call 508-696-8305 for information.
Through a new grant to our library, Tuesday night free movies at 7 p.m. shall begin focussing on older adults, and hey, as of last Monday I think I might qualify. On Tuesday, August 11, a comedy-drama starring — be still my heart! — Paul Newman, Melanie Griffith, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Bruce Willis and Jessica Tandy in her last film, will be shown for our entertainment. We are bound by some crazy rule to not mention the titles. Who can guess? Give me a call. I’ll see you there.
Who doesn’t know the famous Tilton family? Zeb – A Schooner Life will be shown one time only this summer on Wednesday, August 12 at 8 p.m. at the Katharine Cornell Theatre.
On Thursday, August 13 at our library, prize-winning sociologist Dr. Sara Lawrence-Lightfoot will speak on her new book, The Third Chapter: Risk, Passion, and Adventure in the 25 Years After 50. That’s another place where you’ll run into me.
I adore Louisa Gould. She’s so talented and so energetic. Her gallery on Main street is having a reception tonight featuring the Fourth Annual Vineyard Cup photos and paintings, as well as the work of Ellen Liman, Robert Jewett (he’ll always be “Bob” to me), Gray Park, Jeanne Campbell and Louisa herself. Reception is 5 to 8 p.m. I’m going.
How could any of you have missed Taylor Toole’s comedy-drama, Mow Crew, about our Island and with many of your favorite locals acting in it, as well as original music and comedy? If you did, meet me at the Capawock tomorrow night for two showings, 7 p.m. and 9:15 p.m., with the added bonus of the director, cast and crew in attendance. This is presented by the Martha’s Vineyard Film Society, call 774-392-2972 for questions. By the way, I told you this wasn’t a “family” column. The movie is rated R with brief nudity. Don’t bring the little ones to see their neighbors perform.
Our favorite neighborhood artist, Anne D. Grandin, is having a show of all landscapes at the Old Sculpin gallery on Dock street, Edgartown from tomorrow through August 22. Two receptions will be held during this show, one on Sunday, August 9 from 5 to 7 p.m. and the same time for August 19. Anne is one of the artists responsible for our terrific mural along the side of Stop & Shop.
The Shaw Cramer Gallery has a personal fave of mine, Rose Abrahamson, along with other fab artists at 56 Main street. Variety, color, whimsy, collage and recycled materials comprise the theme.
Finally, in the arts, save space on your calendars for the Chicken Alley Art and Collectibles Sale, an annual event, on Sunday, August 16 from 1 to 5 p.m. I admire the whole staff at the Thrift Shop for this always beautiful but very time-consuming presentation. And a tip of the Tisbury bonnet to Olga Hirshhorn, who is invaluable in this production.
The birthday bandwagon pulls along Arlinda Graves, Travis Baptiste, Leslie Hunter, Sandie Corr-Dolby and Luisa Tassiana today. Tomorrow belongs to Michael Robinson, Jon McIntosh, Milly Berman and Danae Finley. Sunday is a party for Sal Alfano, Vitor Mouzinho and Riley Chalifoux. August 10 honors Jennifer Benson. August 11 is shared by Linda Carroll and Clare Ann Harrington. August 12 is for Emma Keppeler, Karen Kassius and Sharon Robinson. And on August 13 Patti Diamond takes the cake. Many happy returns.
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