The Martha’s Vineyard Film Festival’s Cinema Circus, an ongoing series of film and fun designed for children, features a series of shorts this Wednesday, August 19 from 5 to 7 p.m. at the Chilmark Community Center. Short subjects include a gorgeous warthog getting his comeuppance, a gentle penguin challenging the profit-focused owners at his zoo, and a young boy who softens the heart of a cranky waitress at his local diner. In The Weatherman, a wacky weatherman refuses to go with the flow when his forecasting machine goes on the fritz. Through the Lens tells the story of a young filmmaker and his son as they set up a panoramic shot in the American West. Hidden aspirations emerge when the boy looks through the viewfinder and sees his future. Tickets are $5 for kids, $6 for adult festival members, and $12 for non-members. For details, call 508-645-9599, or visit
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