IMP now offers classes and performance opportunities for all types of young actors. Whether they like to play with a script or without, actors ages 7 to 18 are invited to become a part of IMP’s company.
Actors who love to work with scripts can check out the new class Let’s Put on a Show! which will produce a new version of Bears Beware, Goldilocks Is in Your Town.
Actors who like the freedom of no scripts are a good fit for the Story Theater Touring Ensemble and/or IMP improv classes.
Actors who love short form improv can audition for IMPact, our pre-professional improv troupe.
Teens who like to write, direct, act and produce their own show can audition for Sketchy Teens.
Experienced improvisers should audition for the IMPers, the teen professional improv troupe that performs smart, high-quality improv on the Vineyard and beyond. Last year the IMPers performed at the Chicago, Providence and Boston Improv Festivals in addition to their weekly summer season at the Grange Hall Theatre. Open auditions are on Sunday, Sept. 20 and Monday, Sept. 21 from 4 to 7 p.m. at the Katharine Cornell Theatre. For details, see
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