The weather last Saturday was a washout; nearly two inches of rain fell. However, it was delightful on Sunday, spring like, and many outdoor chores were completed.
Over 250 people attended the harvest festival at the Agricultural Hall on Saturday despite the adverse weather conditions and soggy grounds. A sizeable gathering of people attended the Antique Power Show, but due to the monsoon-like weather, George Hartman reports, less than half the people were able to show their cars.
Today is the beginning of the Columbus Day holiday weekend and the end of the extended shoulder season. The last farmers’ market and artisans’ festival of the year will take place at the Grange Hall tomorrow and Sunday. The last Brazilian soccer match of the season will be held on Sunday at the school.
Two important schedule changes go into effect early next week. First, on Tuesday the Steamship Authority will begin operating its late fall boat schedule. The authority, despite the poor weather in June and July, will not increase boat rates, and the excursion rate for Islanders begins on Monday. Second, the Vineyard Transit Authority begins its winter bus cutback; the VTA operations manager reports there will be three busses serving us, the numbers 3, 5 and 6. The bus stops in town will be at Cronig’s, across from Alley’s, in front of the Grange Hall, and at the newly refurbished town hall. Also, each bus will be serving more than one route during the day. Be sure to pick up a copy of the new schedule or access the Web site,, which has additional ground transit information and schedules, or call the VTA at 508-693-9440.
With Halloween just around the corner the first big colorful display of the season is up at Middletown Nursery. They have an old truck loaded with hay and several scarecrows in costumes, one seated on an old tractor. Pumpkins are on display at several locations. The sun sets now around 6 p.m., with a return to standard time due Nov. 1.
Warren Hollinshead reports that eight high school classmates of his wife Marilyn came from California, Arizona, Idaho, Texas, Minnesota and New Jersey to their house for a five-day reunion. It is an annual gathering with only women allowed. However, as he was a classmate of theirs also, the ladies permitted him to bartend, chauffeur and provide boat trips on Tisbury Great Pond at their beck and call.
Noah and Susan Block, of New York city, returned home on Wednesday after spending several days in town, inspecting and developing plans for their house on Music street. They plan to move to the Island in January.
Coco Brown, of Buttonwood Farm Road, and her friends, Steve Sinnett, his son, Ben, and Andrea Scott, departed the Island today on the way to Nepal. The purpose of the trip is to help restore an old monastery.
Adam Block, of Reston, Va., arrived last week to spend some time in his Music Street house. He is enjoying the fall weather and visiting old friends.
Cycle Martha’s Vineyard is a charity bike ride around the Island. It will take place on Saturday, Oct. 17. The ride is sponsored by the Rotary Club, with proceeds to benefit Big Brothers Big Sisters and other Rotary charities. Riders have the option of 100-kilometer or 50-kilometer routes. The registration fee entitles each rider to aid stations and assistance along the course, a T-shirt and postride barbecue.
Mark it on your calendar today: the All-Island seasonal flu clinic will be held at the Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School gym on Wednesday, Nov. 11 from 8 a.m. to noon. For more information, please call 508-687-7158 or your local board of health.
The Martha’s Vineyard Museum will host the food and wine festival in Edgartown beginning next Friday at 5:30 p.m. at their campus in Edgartown. For more information and tickets call 508-627-4441. Also Susan Wilson reports that next Saturday at 5:30 p.m. they will welcome Frank Shirley who will present a lecture/slideshow on the evolution of American residential architecture. The slideshow contains pictures of traditional architectural styles. Frank led the restoration of the Corbin-Norton house across from Ocean Park. He will discuss that landmark residence as part of his lecture.
Ginger Duarte reports that the Martha’s Vineyard Center for Living (formerly Island Council on Aging) will hold its annual meeting on Thursday at 7 p.m. at the Tisbury Senior Center in Vineyard Haven.
The Martha’s Vineyard Garden Club will hold its first fall meeting on Oct. 20 at 1 p.m. at the Wakeman Center in Lambert’s Cove. Chuck Wiley, owner of Vineyard Gardens, will talk about Putting your Garden to Bed. Free refreshments will be served. Anyone interested in gardening, conservation, environmental responsibility and the preservation of the Island’s natural flora and fauna is invited.
Lorna Colageo asks that next Saturday you stop by the bake sale at Cronig’s Market in Vineyard Haven from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. to support the Martha’s Vineyard Helping Homeless Animals Inc. Call Verna Carr at 508-696-8305 with any questions.
On Oct. 21, 1946 The Grange held a husking bee and barn dance following their regular business meeting at the Agricultural Hall. The committee in charge was Arnold and Pricilla Fischer, George and Lillian Magnuson, Harry West and Percy Burt. A host of local musicians performed at the dance, Mike and Leonard Athearn, Everett Whiting, Ernest Correllus, Stan Murphy, Artie Look and Gayle Huntington. George Magnuson sang several songs.
Happy birthday to Steve Lohman, Richard Rooney, Whitney Hyde and Sophie Abrams today; Jon Harris tomorrow, Hanna Beecher, Julie Keefe, Bob Mone and Martha Post on Sunday; Lisa Amols, Bob Eisendrath Sherri Church and Catherine Ferreira on Monday; Steve Atwood, Carly Look and Margot Parrot on Tuesday; Jeanne Borggaard, Dave Christensen, Ryan Dwane and Shelia Rayyan on Wednesday; Geoff Borr, Jon Nelson III and Steven Barbee on Thursday. Belated birthday wishes to Holly Eger and her daughter, Julia, and belated anniversary greetings to Peter and Karen Socorelis and to Dan Herbert and Maki Crum.
[Editor’s note: Happy anniversary to John and Anna Alley today.]
Well, that is all of the social news for this week. If you have any news please call or e-mail me. Have a great week.
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