Zephrus Restaurant is offering the nonprofit community a fund-raising opportunity again this winter: Island groups can partner with Zephrus to raise money by picking and publicizing a specific winter date in which Zephrus shares 20 per cent of the evening’s special menu earnings with the group.
Two local agencies are on the menu year-round. Zephrus offers a nightly dessert, As American as Apple Pie, and donates the proceeds to the Island Food Pantry. Island Grown Initiative is the recipient of the 20 per cent for a locavore dinner every Wednesday.
So far in 2009, this program has generated donations in excess of $8,000.
By rallying their base to share a meal, Vineyard groups not only raise needed funds in a dicey economy, but also build connections and enjoy the camaraderie of colleagues without all the work that usually goes into a fundraiser.
For these events, members have no tickets to sell, no money to take, no decisions. Zephrus is open as on every other night. For more information, please contact Susan Goldstein at 508-693-2200, extension 102.
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