Buílle Shamrocks the Katharine Cornell Theatre
Katharine Cornell Theatre Concerts ends its 2009 series Nov. 20 at 8 p.m., with a performance by Buílle (pronounced bwee-luh, and meaning beat, blow or stroke in Irish).Buílle is Niall Vallely, Paul Meehan andCaoimhín Vallely, a trio that’s redefining traditional Irish music by pushing the limits of the genre into the 21st century. With the primary group comprised of concertina, piano and guitar, for Friday’s performance, Buílle will be accompanied by vocalist Karan Casey, cellist Kate Ellis and guitarist Ron Martin.
Of the group’s latest album, Siobhán Long of the Irish Times wrote: “Buílle (with Vallely’s brother Caoimhín on piano and Paul Meehan on guitar) follow their genre-defying 2005 debut with another spine-tingling collection that bursts with originality. Jazz and classical influences rip through Sailing from Rathmullen, while the Lock-In weds the lonesome reed of Vallely’s concertina with Brian Morrissey’s sensual percussion. Buílle’s is a broader church, with room for Zoe Conway’s fiddle, Kate Ellis’ cello and Cillian Vallely’s pipes (among others), which add further texture and depth to the mix. A thoroughly challenging collection that will stimulate brainwaves and pelvic girdles in equal measure.”
Tickets to the show are $20 in advance at Aboveground Records, Island Entertainment, Alley’s store, the Scottish Bakehouse and the Oak Bluffs General Store; or $25 at the door. For details and reservations, call 508-693-6996 or 508-693-6237.
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