

It has been another week of warm weather with lots of sunshine in Chilmark. I’ll be happy to open with that sentence every week, but it is late fall and I will probably soon have to change my tune!

Word has reached us of the death recently of Nancy Flanders Buell. We send condolences to her family and friends. She has lived in Florida for many years but grew up in Chilmark. Her many family members and childhood friends will miss her visits to Chilmark.

We send condolences to the friends and family of Polly Woollcott Murphy, who died last Sunday. Many will recall that Polly at one time covered Chilmark news for this newspaper, setting a standard to which we aspire to this day. Details of her life will appear elsewhere in this paper. The members of her extended family and her many friends will miss her.

The seals are back at Squibnocket rather early this year. There was one large seal balanced on a rock and soaking up the warm sunshine this week. He was unimpressed by the surfers and para-surfers who were also enjoying the warm weather.

If you happen to be in Washington, D.C., and are homesick for a touch of Menemsha, you can drop by Cannon’s Seafood restaurant in Georgetown. Cannon’s is now serving genuine Home Port chowder on their menu. They are located at 1065 31st street, a quarter block south of M street.

The Chilmark Community Church invites everyone to attend a special interfaith Thanksgiving service this coming Sunday, Nov. 22, at 9 a.m. The popular and former Chilmark preacher, the Rev. Arlene Bodge, will conduct the service. Donations are requested for the Island Food Pantry.

Chilmark artist Wendy Weldon will be selling her paintings, monotypes and drawings at her art studio in Chilmark over the Thanksgiving weekend. She will be there from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Friday and Saturday, Nov. 27 and 28. This is the first open studio sale Wendy has hosted since she returned to Island life in 1998. Please e-mail her at wendyweldon@earthlink.net for directions to her studio. Monica Fernandes, Wendy’s cousin, will be showing her jewelry collection at the studio during the weekend also. Her work can be seen at lisbonstyle.com.

The Chilmark Library Art Show this month is exhibiting a three-woman show. Joan Lelacheur is showing her wampum tiles, jewelry for the home. Susan Johnson is showing landscape oil paintings, and Anika Hodson is showing her decorative weavings. The show in the meeting room can be seen during regular library hours. The show will run through Dec. 3.

I heard from Tom Porter this week. Many will know him when I identify him as a Larsen — son of Nicka, nephew of Louie and cousin to the next generation of Chilmark Larsens. He and his wife, Helen, have been fixing up their home on Menemsha Crossroad for the past couple of years. Tom has had medical problems in the past year due to a fall, forcing him to miss being here most of the past summer. He is now recovering at his Shrewsbury home following hip replacement surgery last week at New England Baptist Hospital. He says he is doing well and looking forward to being at their Chilmark home for Thanksgiving. Their sons, Nicholas, 17, and Mitchell, 14, will accompany them. Cheers from us all, Tom, for a speedy recovery.

There is still space at the flea market to be held at the Chilmark Community Center on Dec. 5 if you wish to set up and sell your wares. Please call Coco at 508-645-3414 if you wish to rent a selling space. The hours will be from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. There will be food available for purchase.

The Chilmark school students are preparing for their annual Turkey Trot, a run down Middle Road. This event is the unofficial start of the holiday season in Chilmark and is fun to see. It is scheduled for Tuesday, Nov. 24. Please call the school for more details.

The Friends of the Chilmark Library will hold a book sale beginning Dec. 16. They will be accepting donations of books for that sale beginning Dec. 7. Space constrictions require them to wait until that date for donations; however, all donations are very much appreciated.

Remember that the library cafe is open during library hours now. Stop by and enjoy a hot drink, play a game of checkers and or visit with friends.