We had another wild weekend with rain and wind. There was just a trace of snow on the ground spotted by early risers on Sunday morning, but it did not stop decorations, wreaths and outdoor lights from going up all around town. We can expect more severe cold and possibly snow this weekend.
Hanukkah greetings.
I am sure most of you have your Hanukkah or Christmas shopping mostly done; some, like Jane Konicki and Judy Hall, have everything all wrapped. However, some of us are just beginning that scramble.
The holiday party season has begun. The town party was held at the Agricultural Hall last night. Christmas in Edgartown is happening all weekend. The staff over at the library invite you to a party on Tuesday from 4 to 5:30 p.m. And Tom Vogl and his wife Katherine Long, of Scotchman’s Lane, assisted by Glenn and Rosemary Jackson, of Stoney Hill, will be hosting their 31st annual Winter Solstice Party on Sunday, Dec. 20 at their home from noon to 8 p.m. Their party is nothing short of superb and everyone is welcome; just leave your dog at home.
The special state primary was held on Tuesday; the weather was clear and downright chilly, the turnout of 599 voters was 26.5 per cent, a little above the statewide average. Muriel Bye, a fixture at the polls for several years, was unable to perform her task as election warden because she had broken her arm in a nasty fall a couple of weeks ago. She is on the mend and expects to resume her duties for the January election.
Tara Whiting sent this message: “I just want to extend my thanks to all the people who volunteered and worked at the polls on Dec. 8. As it was my first election as town clerk, I was a bit nervous. Everyone that was there and behind the scenes was wonderful and supportive and a huge help. Thanks again very much and I look forward to more elections with you all!”
Donna Diaz, of Old Courthouse Road, reports that her Christina has just returned from Scotland where she received a master’s degree from the University of Edinburgh. She is now living in Boston and just took her LSAT exams for entry into law school.
Cynthia Riggs, of Edgartown Road, returned home last weekend from a trip to Athens, Ohio, where she had spent the Thanksgiving holiday with her family. Her grandson, Duncan, who graduated from high school last June, is playing defense for the Blind River Braves in Ontario, Canada. He was a National Merit finalist. His older brother, Kevin, will be graduating this year from the University of Michigan with a joint degree in German and political science.
The First Congregational Church’s popular Christmas Faire was held last Saturday and by all reports it was very successful. Many homes around the Island now have one of their famous handmade wreaths on the door.
Chief Manuel Estrella wants to inform all the children and their parents in town that Santa Claus will make a stop at the fire station on Sunday between 1 and 3 p.m. So don’t forget to bring your list. Ken Goldberg, down at the Chamber of Commerce, reports that the day will begin with a breakfast for Santa at the Wharf restaurant in Edgartown from 8 to 10:30 a.m.
Kara Merry, of Lambert’s Cove, reports that the Plum Hill Preschool Elves’ Faire will be held tomorrow at the Federated Church parish house on South Summer street in Edgartown.
Amy Houghton, over at the Martha’s Vineyard Museum, reports that a Jewelry Jingle will be held tomorrow from noon to 4 p.m. at 59 School street in Edgartown. Also there, John Hough will talk about his new book, Seen the Glory, tomorrow at 3 p.m. The museum and gift shop is open Monday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Meg, over at the church, reminds you that the Christmas Eve services are set: 5 p.m. for the Christmas Pageant in the Agricultural Hall and a 10 p.m. candlelight service in the church sanctuary.
Whippoorwill Farm planted extra produce and new greens in the greenhouse. Anyone may come to the farm located off the Vineyard Haven-Edgartown road and pick up a share for $20, no signup or reservation required. The farm stand is open Friday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturday 9 a.m. to noon.
The school library’s book sale to benefit the Red Stocking Fund ends next Friday. School will be dismissed at noon on Tuesday Dec. 23 for a 10-day holiday recess. Michael Halt, principal, Bob Lane, Gloria Sylva, Judy McCarthy, Sue Merrill, staff and the crossing guards wish everyone a very happy holiday season.
Linda Alley, of New Lane, reports that the final farmers’ market of the year will be held at the Agricultural Hall tomorrow from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. with at least 18 vendors on hand.
Polly Hill Arboretum’s collections and grounds manager Tom Clark will lead a free tour at 10 a.m. Meet at the visitor center, dress for the weather.
Colleen Morris, over at the library, reminds you there is an artist’s reception for Marsha Winsryg at 4 p.m. on Wednesday, and next Friday the JC Jazz Trio will be playing at 4 p.m.
“On Friday, Dec. 12, 1941, four days after entering World War II, the town civil defense committee held a rally at the town hall in North Tisbury. They were told what is expected of them during an air raid: 1. Do not use the telephone. 2. Build and use blackout curtains immediately and when the warning signal sounds after dark turn off all your lights. The chief air raid warden announced that Dorothy Russell, will be in charge of North Tisbury; her assistants are Mrs. Robert Flanders Jr. and Mrs. Forrest Bosworth. Lillian Manter will be in charge of West Tisbury village; her assistants are Lillian Magnuson, Hilda Austin, Elizabeth Campbell and Lorraine Armitage. Mrs. Raymond Cottle is the new warden for Lambert’s Cove; her assistants are Misses Mabelle Benson and Barbara Cottle.”
Happy birthday to John Sonia today; John Thurber, Brian Bilsback, Lauren Withers, Christy Park and Alan Reekie tomorrow; Susie Trees, Linda Wallace and Jan Schulze on Sunday; Kathleen Gibbs, Catherine Brennan, Elizabeth Specht, Leonard Bedford III and Brett Fisher on Monday; Michelle Brescia, Nicholas Thayer, Rachel Schubert and Tim Sylvia on Tuesday; Deborah Vincent-Coutino, Jon Fragoza, Ben Rossi and Sue Hruby on Wedesday; Anne Holmes, Ian Warner and Peter Farrelly on Thursday. Belated anniversary wishes to Jeremy Berlin and Chantale Légaré and belated birthday greetings to Jim Barrett and Polly Renear.
Well, that is all of the news for this week’s column. If you have any news, please call or e-mail me. Have a great week, and start your shopping now.
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