Three Island Red Cross volunteers — Bill Howell, Shelley Christiansen and Sharry Stevens-Grunden — were among the responders to an early morning fire at an Edgartown duplex last month that affected nine people. The volunteers provided victims with clothing, toys, first aid kits and comfort kits.
The American Red Cross, Cape Cod and Islands Chapter recently trained 12 disaster action team members on the Island. The chapter is in the process of launching a $58,000 initiative to support Martha’s Vineyard Red Cross service delivery operations, expand its number of volunteers on the Island and increase shelter supplies.
This initiative will benefit every resident on the Island. Its ultimate success will be measured by having Red Cross volunteers trained, equipped and ready to operate disaster response shelters and the community to be prepared to respond to local emergencies if the need arises.
In recent years the chapter has ensured each community on the Vineyard is equipped to shelter 48 people. A Red Cross response trailer with materials to support 100 evacuees is positioned on the Island. In addition, the chapter has provided an emergency response vehicle to the Vineyard.
All disaster relief support is provided free of charge, and the chapter does not receive government funding. It is totally dependent upon local support from foundations, individuals and businesses so it can be there when a neighbor’s house burns down, when someone needs lifesaving blood transfusions, or when a family needs to contact a deployed service member in an emergency.
For more information about the Martha’s Vineyard Preparedness Initiative, to become a volunteer or to get trained, both through the web training program or in person, or to donate, please call 508-775-1540.
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