Chilmark is in the midst of the busy times — end of the year budgets under construction and destruction at the town hall, and the holiday buzz in many households. There is always something to demand our attention ... and something good to eat everywhere we go!
The Friends of the Chilmark Library hosted a successful holiday get-together on Wednesday afternoon that included wonderful seasonal music by the Vineyard Classic Brass Band, wreath-making, much food and holiday visiting among those in attendance. Others, who were busy at meetings at town hall, were able to make quick visits to the festivities and get on with the business at town hall. Sometimes living in a small town has its rewards.
There are colorful holiday lights up all over town — many thanks to all our neighbors for making things so festive.
The Martha’s Vineyard Film Festival is planning a holiday evening on Dec. 26 at the Chilmark Community Center, when they will offer films for the family at 6 p.m. with a dinner to be offered at 5 p.m. The dinners will be prepared of locally grown and produced foods, $10 for adults and $5 for children, and movie, $6. It should be a great way to extend the holiday for the youngsters among us!
The annual used book sale continues at the library. There are many books, offered at $1 for hardcovers and 25 cents for paperbacks. The sale is on during regular library hours. Please note that the library will be closed on Thursday before Christmas but will be open the Saturday after the holiday.
We are happy to report that Ethel Whitman is back at her Menemsha home after a bit of poor health this week. We hope she will be feeling fine soon.
Best wishes to Peggy Freydberg who is down this week with the H1N1 flu. The Chilmark library has a volunteer delivery service for folks who are shut in, and the volunteer who chose to deliver books to Peggy bravely donned a surgical mask so Peggy was able to get her books to see her through her recuperation. We applaud our intrepid volunteer and wish Peggy a speedy recovery.
Congratulations to Matthew Gebo, who was reappointed a special police officer for Chilmark. He has served the town for several years as a seasonal police officer and has recently completed his master’s degree and the police academy. Cheers from us all!
We are sorry to hear that Danny Bryant is under the weather, and we send him good wishes for a speedy recovery. It is still hunting season, Danny; get back out there!
Mary Edwards tells us about the adventures of her daughter, Lizzie, a Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School and a Skidmore College graduate who has been working in Kenya for the Peace Corps. She is working with the Imani Rural Women’s Action Group. They have made colorful necklaces of magazine paper that are offered for sale here on the Island. They can be seen and purchased at the gift shop at the Martha’s Vineyard Hospital and at the Peacecraft holiday store at Pyewacket’s in Vineyard Haven. You can read more about her Kenya adventures at lizzieskenyablog.blogspot.com.
The selectmen reappointed Bill Bennett as one of Chilmark’s representatives to the Martha’s Vineyard Commission. He welcomes any questions or suggestions, as the commission has many projects underway and he appreciates hearing what Chilmarkers think about them.
Dec. 22 is the deadline for applications for the position of town accountant. If you have interest, please call town hall for details.
The Chilmark School will begin their December vacation at noon on Dec. 23.
The Chilmark Church will continue their Tuesday night suppers in December at 5:30 p.m. All are welcome.
The fiber arts workers are still meeting at the library every Thursday to work on their knitting and other textile crafts. Please call Susan Murphy or the library at 508-645-3360 for details. Everyone from beginner to expert is welcome to join the group.
I send warm wishes to all of you who celebrate holidays at this time of year and ask you to remember to share your good times with the rest of us. We all enjoy hearing about who came from where and more — please take a minute to e-mail or call me with details. Cheers to all!
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