This past January week truly felt like winter. The cold temperatures preserved the small amount of snow on the ground for more than a week, an unusually long time for Chappaquiddick. Where the sun melted the snow in our front yard, the sodden green moss and grass of the lawn make it look like an indoor-outdoor carpet in need of replacement.
The thin layer of snow has provided a good record of all the animal activity going on around us. In the woods and swamps near my house, I’ve seen many otter tracks, including those that show where they’ve pushed off and slid a yard or more on their bellies. It’s hard not to imagine they’re enjoying themselves in the snow. Maybe Luanne Johnson, who is observing otters on the Island, will be able to tell us that by the end of her study.
Sally Snipes remarked on the crow tracks everywhere in their yard. At the last potluck, Will “Crow Boy” Geresy asked if there were crows at my house. I said no, but the next day I saw one at the bird feeder for the first time, and more have come since then. (I’m not going to answer Will the next time he asks!) Last year I stopped feeding the wild birds as soon as spring came, hoping to discourage the crows that had been so destructive in my garden the summer before. Meanwhile, Sally, who likes the crows, reminds people to keep their feeders full and put out water for the birds. There are simple electric heater cords available specifically for keeping birdbaths or outdoor water dishes from freezing.
Human tracks can be seen on Brine’s Pond, made by both ice fishermen and skaters. The Filley family cleared an area on the pond for hockey and an excursion path around the island.
The Sharing Chappy Roads committee has sent a letter to Dan Dulaski, leader of the planned study by Northeastern University civil engineering students, recommending criteria they consider important for inclusion in the study, and outlining their concerns. You can get a copy of the letter by visiting the Web site or by e-mailing:
All Chappaquiddickers and friends of Chappy are invited to the Chappy Ferry Appreciation Potluck at the community center on Wednesday, Jan. 20 beginning at 6 p.m. The honored guests will be the ferry captains and crew, and their families. The potluck is a thank-you to them for their dedicated work in taking us back and forth, and a chance for us to enjoy some time together while eating delicious food made by Chappy cooks. Pat Rose and John Ortman will be potluck hosts, providing the appetizers and beverages, and Judy Dimond will be making a cake. Everyone else is invited to bring a main or side dish to share. The evening will include a screening of the famous Aquabiking video, starring Peter Wells, and we will share memories and tall tales about the Chappy Ferry through the years — you are invited to share yours!
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