

Aquinnah Public Library will sponsor games on Thursday evenings through March. Gather around the round table and enjoy a game of Scrabble, Monopoly or other board games on a cold night, with a warm lively discussion with family and friends. Refreshments will be served from 5:30 to 7 p.m.

Coffee Hour will also be featured at the Aquinnah Public Library over the winter beginning tomorrow, 10 to 11 a.m. and on every Saturday morning. Join friends and neighbors to enjoy the weekend newspapers and have a free cup of coffee, tea or hot cocoa and good conversation with refreshments and morning music. Extra seating will be available during coffee hour.

Thank you to library director Jennifer Christy, her assistant Michelle Laurie, and to Natalie Francis for their wonderful display of Vineyard books as well as many works from the Native American collection. Also, Saturday is the final day to have your library dues forgiven with the donation of nonperishable food items. For each food item, $5 will be deducted from your overdue fees.

Story and Art Time will be held on Saturday mornings during the winter from 11 a.m. to noon and tomorrow will feature Stamps, Prints, and Stories.

Join in the fun on Super Bowl Sunday which will be celebrated at the Aquinnah town hall on Sunday, Feb. 7 from 3 to 11 p.m. Tickets are $55 and must be purchased by Feb. 1, the proceeds of which will be donated to Angel Flight. If you wish to donate a door prize or food, please call Jeff at 774-521-6891.

The Aquinnah community programs committee flea market is scheduled for Saturday, Feb. 13 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the town hall. Vendors pay $10 per table in a nonrefundable check to the Town of Aquinnah, State Road, Aquinnah, MA 02535. Please bring your own table. Antiques, books, collectibles, wampum jewelry, Valentine specials, clothing and shoes and artwork will be on sale. For details, call Betty at 508-645-3340.

Lisa Bibko-Vanderhoop will have a show at the Bank of Martha’s Vineyard at Beetlebung Corner; it opens today and runs through Feb. 15. Lisa will display her Vineyard Sea Dog calendars, her canine Valentine cards and Vineyard photographs. Susan Johnson will also be showing her work.

Welcome to Lang Gerhard, his wife Irina, and their three-year-old daughter Sasha, who have decided to give up their residency in northern California to spend the entire year at their Aquinnah home.

Thank you to Irina for her generous donation of delicious cookies, which she baked for all who visited the library on Saturday; to Angela Cywinski for the lemon meringue pie she baked for the board of registrars on election day; and to Pam Glavin, for her generous donation of pesto for the polls.

Michael Glasser and his wife, Susan, were at their Aquinnah home over the weekend. It was great to see them out and about and around in town.

Michael and Eleanor Hebert returned home this past week after spending the weekend on the North Shore.

Along with Cheryl Andrews-Maltais and Bettina Washington, James R. Powell attended the wind energy hearings at the Department of the Interior in Washington, D.C. two weeks ago in his capacity as a member of the Massachusetts Historical Records Advisory Board. Jim also had a very productive meeting with Larry Echohawk, director of the Bureau of Indian Affairs.

Chilmark Chocolates reopens tomorrow, just in time for Valentine’s Day.

Condolences to the family and friends of Dorothy (Lewis) Frank. It seems like only yesterday that Dotty moved to Arizona. Memorial services were held on the Vineyard for her over the weekend.

Happy 13th anniversary wishes to Philip and Victoria (Maciel) Moreis as they celebrate on Feb. 1.

Belated happy birthday wishes this week to Eliza Usher, who celebrated on Jan. 27 and shared the day with Janis Syslo and Kristen Zern.

David E. Vanderhoop will become a Tribal Elder on Jan. 29 and shares the day with his cousin Mary Vanderhoop, who will be 13 years old.

Lois Craine, Bette Carroll, Christopher Camacho and Gimili Gita Glavin will all celebrate birthdays on Jan. 30.

Andrew Fischer will celebrate on Feb. 1 and shares the day with Anastasia Ottens-Sargent, Angela Waldron and Tammy Jardin. Betty Joslow will observe her special day on Feb. 2 and shares the day with Emmett Carroll and Mark Shea.

Jeffrey O. Day will celebrate on Feb. 4 and has a grand reason to celebrate more than usual this year, with the recent award of a lot of land in Chilmark, on which he and Emily and Matthew will build their home.

Ashlee and Zachary Moreis will be 10 years old on Feb. 4. William H. Maynard will observe his special day on Feb. 5, as will Blair Hill.