Chilmark is enduring yet another northeaster as I write tonight. The wind is howling and snow is blowing and the power went off for an hour and a half this evening. We enjoyed a dark and mysterious dinner as we tried to find our mouths in the dark . . . the batteries are always dead when you need them. Tomorrow will be white but light! I am sure others besides my guests had to adjust travel plans. They are happy to be extending their midwinter vacation for a few days.
Please note that there is a family night movie at the Chilmark Library meeting room tonight at 7 p.m. The movie is the original Sabrina with Humphrey Bogart. It is a good choice for the Valentine’s weekend. Everyone is welcome and the Friends of the Library who host the evening’s entertainment will provide popcorn and drinks for all.
The Chilmark Democratic party caucus will begin at 9:30 a.m. at the Chilmark town hall on Saturday, Feb. 13. All interested voters are welcome to attend and coffee and treats will be provided.
The Chilmark historical commission, on Feb. 17 at 5 p.m., will host a showing of the documentary, Passages of Time, about the history and construction of stonewalls. There are many Chilmark walls discussed and many Chilmark scenes included with dialogues with several Chilmarkers. The public is invited to come to the Chilmark Library meeting room for this 45-minute film.
The Chilmark School invites us to a Caribbean Night this Saturday night, Feb. 13, at the Community Center. The party, from 6:30 to 11 p.m. is a fundraiser for the school and a chance to enjoy a social evening in Chilmark while thinking Caribbean! Costumes will be rewarded.
I regret that I am late sending get-well wishes to Bill Gilmour of Wayland and Menemsha who fell in early January and broke his ankle, which has required surgery and a spell in a rehabilitation hospital. He and his dog are familiar to many as they take their several walks a day around town many summer days. He is presently at St. Patrick’s Manor, 863 Central St., Rm D-104, Framingham, Ma. 01701 and his cell phone is 508-631-3813. His Chilmark friends hope he will be out and about soon.
Sue Larsen of North Road sends word to us all that she is now a survivor of breast cancer and will be walking in the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer in Boston on May 15 and 16. We all share her joy in knowing that she is a survivor; we can help to make survivors of the many other folks who are suffering this cancer by supporting the walk and the fund-raising efforts to find a cure. The Avon Foundation Breast Cancer Crusade is the sponsor of the walk. Information can be found and donations may be made by visiting avonwalk.org. If you scroll down to the 2010 Boston walk and type in Susan Larsen you will find her page. Checks may be mailed to Susan or to Avon. Please call her at 508-645-3805 for further information. Susan will be walking 39.3 miles in two days and hopes to personally raise $1,800. She will be training for the next couple of months for the walk and to raise our awareness and desire to help the important cause. More information may be found at Avonfoundation.org. Cheers from us all, Susan.
The League of Women Voters will celebrate its 90th year with a Presidents Day party at the Zephrus restaurant in Vineyard Haven. The restaurant will contribute a portion of the cost of every dinner sold between 5 and 9 p.m. on Feb. 15. Best to call for reservations. Cheers to a hardworking group that presides over our candidates night every election year.
The Chilmark Community Church will offer two more weeks of the Tuesday evening Soup Suppers, Feb. 16 and 23, at 5:30 p.m. On Feb. 16 they will have a Mardi Gras pancake supper at 5:30 p.m. The public is invited to enjoy the traditional Lenten meal.
Congratulations to Michael Pachico, who has been named to the dean’s list at Bridgewater College. He is the son of Kim Pachico and Charles Pachico.
We send condolences to the family and many friends of Robert (Bobby) Silva, who died this week. He was a popular Chilmarker known to many. He grew up and remained on the family farm on Middle Road. His cheerful ways made visits with him a pleasure. We will all miss him.
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