Well, we were sure treated to a warm welcoming of spring last Saturday. While the temperature soared to 72 degrees in the afternoon, people wore T-shirts, riding in their convertibles with the top down, playing their first game of outdoor tennis in a long while, working in the garden, raking the lawn and assessing outdoor damage from a hard winter. Tom Hodgson, of Music street, reports that he spotted perhaps the first mayflower of the season last Thursday. Now this Thursday is April Fool’s Day, so be wary of practical jokes. Last year Tom got me good with a rabbit tale, but I am reasonably sure this is legit.
Rev. Cathin Baker, of Island Farms Road, reports that as we enter Holy Week the Congregational Church is busy preparing for Easter next Sunday. They will be welcoming members and friends to share in the Palm Sunday service at 10 a.m. Join with them on Thursday evening for the Tenebrae service, or service of the shadows, to remember Jesus’ last supper and his betrayal. This is always a moving service. Easter’s sunrise service will be held at Ann Nelson’s home, nearby her pond.
Town clerk Tara Whiting reports that the absentee ballots for the annual town election have arrived, so if you are going to be out of town on election day you may apply for an absentee ballot. There are no contested offices. A member of the park and recreation committee can be elected on write-ins as there are no candidates on the ballot. Also, Jen Rand would like to remind us that the selectmen are looking for people to serve on the police station building study committee. Send letters of interest to her.
The town meeting warrant contains 48 articles this year. Items expected to generate discussion are the annual budget, salary scale, a number of community preservation articles, including funding a study of the Mill Pond, the only item on the warrant not recommended by the finance committee. Simone DeSorcy, planning board secretary, reports that the board hired a consultant to help rewrite the section of the zoning bylaw that covers cell towers. The proposed new bylaw will be article nine at the annual town meeting. It is 20 pages in length and will not be printed in the town report, however the complete warrant article is available at the town clerk’s office, the library and Howes House, where it can be reviewed.
The League of Women Voters of Martha’s Vineyard invites the public to meet the candidates for town offices at 7 p.m. next Wednesday at the Howes House.
Joe Keenan reports that the shingling of the roof at the Goethals’ homestead on Lambert’s Cove Road is almost complete, and Johnny Hoy is putting finishing touches on the chimney which he has rebuilt in its entirety. Henry W. Goethals, from Chevy Chase, Md., paid a visit recently to view progress and to visit son Alexander, who is living in the house. Melissa Schellhammer celebrated her 30th birthday earlier this month with a quick ocean dip at Lambert’s Cove.
Don Klepper-Smith and his wife Marcia are planning to open their house on Easter weekend. Their eldest daughter, Lee, and Christopher Glenn Chometa were married on Jan. 22, under a 100-year-old oak tree at historic Dubsdread in Orlando, Fla. Her mother, the Rev. Marcia Klepper-Smith, officiated.
Jeanne Barron reports that their first grandchild, Henry Katz, son of Julia and David Katz, is definitely grand! Jeanne’s husband, Fred, along with Smidge, Ruby and their cat T-bone, are living in Newport Beach to be near Julia and Dave and help them out with their new son. She also reports that Fred and Julia planned a surprise party for a significant birthday of hers earlier this month, and she was truly surprised and pleased.
Sig Van Raan, of Music street, reports that he and his wife, Susan Dickler, recently returned from a month-long trip to South Africa, Botswana and Zimbabwe. Their first stop was in London for three days to visit with old friends. In Cape Town, South Africa, they visited their daughter Sofia, who is spending a semester at the University of Cape Town.
They saw some of the townships and toured Ruben Island, where Nelson Mandela was held prisoner for 12 years. They were able to combine the pleasure of a vacation trip with professional endeavors as well, as they toured education and social service projects affiliated with their professional interests. They toured the Eastern Cape, staying at Indian Ocean resorts and wound up at Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe and eventually Botswana, where they stayed at a safari lodge.
Molly and Kim Rovin, of Cobbs Hill, and Lynn Christophers, of Edgartown Road, and many others are working on the census team and will soon be in your neighborhood canvassing door to door.
The rabies clinic will be held next Saturday from 10 a.m. to noon at the public safety building on State Road in North Tisbury. Joan will be on hand to issue dog licenses to West Tisbury residents who have forgotten them for 2010. It’s that time again. Please call 508-645-9450 for more information.
“April 3, 1965: Chris Murphy and Allen Whiting, both students at Cornwall Academy in Great Barrington, arrived home last Saturday for a two-week spring break recess. Chris will be celebrating his 19th birthday this weekend. His father, Stan, observed his birthday yesterday. He reported that when a person tells you their age they are said to ‘celebrate’ a birthday; when they won’t revel ‘how much water has passed over the dam’ it is said that they ‘observed’ the occasion.’”
Happy birthday to: Darlene Tocik, Jessica Oliver, Deon Thomas and Bruce Keep today; Kevin Peters, Jackie Flynn-Morgan, Lynne Silva and Laura Murphy tomorrow; Warren Mead, Holly Wayman, Michael Michalski and Ken Hurd on Sunday; Charles Deary, Arthur Marx and Larry Greenburg on Monday; Andrew Nelson, Pat Fitzpatrick, Kelly Thayer and Donna Paulock on Tuesday; Linda Gandel, Nancy Cole, Mary Keenan, Lori Ionnitiu and Robert Berosh on Wednesday; Joe Cataloni, Alison Barrett, Mickey Stone, Carl Van Rooyan and Bob Woodruff on Thursday. Belated birthday wishes to Liz Kent.
Well, that is all of the social news for this edition. Please call or e-mail me with news. Have a great week
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