The grass is greener, the trees are budding, the spring flowers are blooming and we all have spring fever. We are all hoping it is not a dream and that we can keep this weather coming.
Happy birthday to all those who celebrated their day this past week. Big balloons go out to Keira Mercier, who celebrated on March 27; Diogo Gancalves, Charles Termini and Alexander Vukota, who celebrated their day March 28; Sara Creato and Jared Davenport, March 29; Kylie Hatt and Jaclynn Trapp, March 30; and to Hollis Kelly, who celebrated his day March 31.
Special birthday wishes to Pam Dolby’s husband and to Nancy Shemeth, who both celebrated a milestone birthday. Mr. Dolby’s birthday was on March 31 and he was feted with a grand party at Sharky’s, hosted by his children, Chris Dolby, Linley Dolby Weagle and Shannon Dolby Smith. It was a great time, I hear, and there were many family and friends present.
Nancy celebrated her day April 6, with a clam boil at her home with family and friends present. It was a great night and we enjoyed seeing her daughters Kara Shemeth and friend Greg Belcher, and Justin and her husband Paulo DeOliveira. Of course Nancy’s husband, Peter, was there and tending the boil, which was great, and it was good to taste the first clams of the season.
Happy birthday and special wishes to Patty Gazaille, who celebrated her birthday April 6.
Birthday wishes also go out to Gary (Bunk) Look, who celebrates his birthday April 10.
Congratulations to Emma Vancour, who is on the dean’s list at Bridgewater State College. We are proud of you Emma.
Mark Kennedy and Jennifer Jackson Kennedy are proud to announce the birth of their daughter, Danielle Nichol Kennedy, who was born March 11 in Gilbert, Ariz. Danielle has two older sisters, Victoria and Haley Martin, who are both very excited about their new sister.
Becca Tattersall informed me of a fundraiser for her brother in law Derick Araujo (son of T.M. and Marie Araujo of Edgartown and Sharon Araujo of Vineyard Haven). Derick was injured in late February and tore the patellar tendon in his knee which required surgery to be repaired. He will be out of work for a few months as he recovers and is in the constant and loving care of his wife, Becca’s sister Rachel Araujo, who has been out of her job as the assistant Oak Bluffs School librarian to tend to Derick at home. The community is rallying to give them some help financially and there will be a spaghetti dinner benefit at the PA Club on Sunday April 18 from 5 to 7 p.m. Tickets are $15 and can be purchased ahead of time from the Oak Bluffs School or from family members of Derick and Rachel.
The Martha’s Vineyard Garden Club will hold its monthly meeting on Tuesday, April 20, at 1 p.m. at the Wakeman Center off Lambert’s Cove Road in Tisbury. The topic for this month’s program is Integrating Perennials into Your Landscape, presented by Peggy Schwier. A hospitality hour with refreshments will follow the program. Anyone interested in horticulture, home gardening, flower arranging and preserving the best qualities of the Island environment is welcome to attend. Guests $5; members free. For information, call 508-693-5334.
The Edgartown School is having a clothing drive to benefit the Sacre Coeur Hospital and Children of the Promise Orphanage located in Milo, Haiti. All donations of lightweight clothing will be collected at the Edgartown School, in the boxes in the front entrance. Please join in; give your closets a spring clean and help the adults and children of Haiti however we can. They will be shipping the container around April 23.
I hope you all had a great Easter. Donaroma’s was open for the morning, and the Easter Bunny made her appearance after a very busy night hiding eggs. She was definitely the hit of the day and was the most photographed.
I would like to take this time to thank our family and friends for all the calls, cards and prayers for Ralph, who was transported to Boston a few weekends ago. We are home minus a gallbladder, but he is doing well and will be as good as new in a few weeks.
A special thank you goes out to my sister in law Lela Gilkes, who was my traveling companion and my support during the trip to Boston. Lela, you truly are a special person.
Have a great week, and keep the home candles burning.
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