Martha’s Vineyard high schoolers Domonique Aaron, Lily Bick, Jess Dupon, Zen Hughes and Jordan Wallace have been named winners is the Promising Young Poets project, sponsored by Island Voices, the West Tisbury poet laureate, the Martha’s Vineyard Cultural Council and Pathways Projects Institute.

Honorable mention goes to Joe Aguilar, Annabelle Hackney, Chelsea Phaneuf, Tonya Sequeira and Oscar Thompson for their very deserving work.

All 10 poets will have an opportunity to perform their work at the Promising Young Poets event at 7 p.m.on Friday, April 30 at the Unitarian-Universalist Society chapel in Vineyard Haven.

Vineyard Voice and Vineyard Community Media will publish video readings from the event and the students’ poetry online.

The poetry videos will appear on MVTV and on YouTube, and and on DVDs for distribution to all Island schools and town libraries.

The five Promising Young Poets award winners will have a chapbook published by Island Voices Sepiessa Press, through the generosity of Marianne Goldberg and the Pathways Projects Institute, and Web publication by Island Voices on

Manuscripts were read by a panel of published poets: Linda Black, Michael West, Fan Ogilvie, Justen Ahren and Fanny Howe.