The Vineyard Playhouse will hold open auditions for a new play by MJ Bruder Munafo, My Mom Is Trying To Ruin My Life, based on the book by Kate Feiffer. The playhouse is also preparing to audition for the summer production of Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream, directed by MJ Bruder Munafo.

On Wednesday, May 5, any time from 4 to 6 p.m., actors can arrive at the playhouse prepared to read a short scene from the play to be provided at the audition.

There are several children’s roles open: two girls and one boy are needed to play third or fourth graders and one boy to play a first grader, plus there are roles for extras in non-speaking roles. There is also a role for one woman to play Mom and three adults to play police officers.

The show dates are June 10 to 19.

For the Shakespeare, auditions will be on Saturday, May 15, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and again on Saturday, May 22, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Actors should arrive at the audition any time during the scheduled hours and sign up for an appointment that day. Everyone who comes to the audition will be seen. Actors should come prepared to perform a short (under two minutes) Shakespearean monologue from any play.

All roles are open; the playhouse is seeking young non-Equity actors of all ethnic backgrounds, with access to housing on Martha’s Vineyard.

Auditions for fairies and wood sprites (ages five to ten years old) will be held in June.

The show runs for five weeks, July 15 to August 15, on Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays (and one Sunday, August 15, the final show) at 5 p.m. There are 20 scheduled shows. (Rain dates, if needed, would be on Sundays during the run.)

A rehearsal schedule will be set by the stage manager as soon as the casting is complete. All rehearsals (unless it’s raining) will be held at the Tisbury Amphitheatre. There are no Sunday rehearsals.

This will be a highly energetic show, so please be realistic about your physical health and abilities. The show will be rehearsed and performed outdoors. This means “roughing it” — bottled water, bug spray and porta potties.

The playhouse is located at 24 Church street in downtown Vineyard Haven.

For more information, call Kate at 508-693-6450, extension 19, or see online