Chilmark welcomes the flowering trees of spring. A ride around town includes views of pink, red and white flowering trees and shrubs . . . all a joy to the winter eye, used to seeing only gray and brown. It is a great way to wake up the spirit and prepare for the excitements of the coming season. And we’d better wake up or we will be losing ground in our gardening and outdoor chores. The warm temperatures and the recent rains have moved spring along quickly.
The Chilmark Preschool will hold their annual Spring Festival at the Community Center on Saturday, May 8, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. There will be crafts, games and general fun for children.
Some of you might be interested in the PBS television program on May 10. They will show the American Experience, Into the Deep: America, Whaling, & The World, by Ric Burns at 9 p.m. Matthew Stackpole of Mystic Seaport will be featured. Time to mark your calendars for the annual Chilmark Historical Commission’s program on August 11 when Mr. Stackpole will talk about the history of the Charles W. Morgan and her many connections to Chilmark.
We send condolences to the family of Ellen Sutherland of Sudbury who died on April 21 at age 49 of ALS. She is missed by her husband, John and children, Jennifer and Jack, as well as her mother in law, Ann Sutherland of Winchester, and many more friends and relatives. The Sutherlands have vacationed at their home on North Road for several generations and the family has many Chilmark friends who will miss Ellen.
Bob Vincent of Schenectaday is at his South Road home for a spring visit.
We send condolences to the family and friends of Nancy Steves who died last week at her home on South Road. She was well known to many in town, especially during the years that she and her husband, Richard, and their family, owned and managed the popular Menemsha Inn. Her many friends will miss her.
The Chilmark Tavern opens this weekend for the season. They have a new menu and new hours so check them out.
Jeff and Amelia Bezanson of Bridgewater were in town this week to open houses and assess the winter wear.
Eric Greenebaum is at his family home in Menemsha, coming from Vermont for a spring break.
Sue Larsen has a week to go before going to Boston to participate in the Avon Walk for Cancer on May 15 and 16. She has walked over 700 miles In training and she has raised over $11,000. She sends many heartfelt thanks to all who have donated to the crusade of finding a cure and helping those afflicted with breast cancer. We wish her well and join her in the dedication to continue to fight for the cure. Susan and her daughters, Olivia, Abigail and Brigida will join the MV Goes Pink 10-mile walk for Breast Cancer on Saturday and that completes her training. Donations are still accepted at avonwalk.org/goto/Susan.Larsen.
The Alzheimer’s Miles of Memories Walk will take place in Edgartown on Sunday, May 16, at noon from the Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School to Dodger’s Hole and back, about 2 and one half miles. The walk is designed as a fundraiser and to expand awareness. Their Web site is walk@alzcapecod.org.
It was nice to see the many pictures of Roz and Bill Glazer’s pretty garden in the new issue of Vineyard Style magazine. Their home is in Menemsha overlooking the beach and the bight.
Andy Goldman and Susan Heilbron, whose new home also overlooks the Menemsha harbor, are welcoming family and friends who are arriving for a weekend celebration of Andy’s 75th birthday. Andy’s son, Lee and his wife JoAnne with their children, William and Rebekah will come from Fairhaven and Andy’s sister, Judy Damron of Kingston, N.Y. is coming as are cousins, Roz and John Goldman from Rochester, N.Y. Many more friends and family members are coming from as far away at Del Mar, Calif. to enjoy the birthday festivities. Cheers from us all! Andy is a devoted volunteer to many committees and commissions in town and all of us who work with him and know his dedication, take this opportunity to thank him and wish him a happy birthday!
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