The boat schedule changed on Wednesday, and you can already feel the increased traffic on the roads in town, especially on weekends; new visitors are here, with more expected this weekend now that the weather has become toasty warm. Many a backyard grill will be fired up for the first, or in some families the second, cookout of the season. Fiddlehead Farm stand in North Tisbury opens for the season next Friday, and then all of the businesses in that part of town will be open for the season.
Our son, Sam, graduated from Framingham State College last Sunday. We traveled up on Saturday to pick up Sam and visit his sister, Nicole, and her husband, Arsen, at their house in Taunton and enjoyed a family dinner on their deck that evening. We all traveled up to Framingham the next day, including Arsen’s mother, Aida, to attend the graduation. At least 1,500 people gathered in a huge white tent located a stone’s throw from the college on the town green to witness the graduation of 750 students of the class of 2010. The weather was picture-postcard perfect: bright blue sky, wispy clouds, lots of sun, a gentle breeze and a temperature of 75 degrees. Gov. Deval Patrick was the keynote speaker. After the graduation was completed, Sam exchanged good wishes with several of his friends. He described the graduation as bittersweet, because of the friends he made that have become a part of his life. We wish him all the best in the future!
On May 11, Katie Mayhew was awarded a scholarship from the Cape Cod chapter of the Military Officers’ Association of America, given to high school seniors who have a veteran in their family. Katie’s veteran is her grandfather, John W. Mayhew, who is a member of the association. The awards were presented to seven seniors, six from Cape Cod and one from the Vineyard, at a banquet at the Coonamessett Inn in Falmouth. Her mother, Deborah Mayhew, Todd Follansbee, and her grandmother, Shirley Mayhew, attended the dinner and presentation, which included a certificate from the association and a citation from the speaker of the Massachusetts House of Representatives, Robert DeLeo.
Bruce Blackwell reports that last Wednesday Brandon (Brandy) Mayhew Wight celebrated his 95th birthday. They celebrated with a group of friends, while the day before Brandy and Bruce had a private celebration at a favorite restaurant. They hope to be on the Vineyard in the fall to visit friends. Happy birthday, Brandy!
Phyllis Meras, of Music street, returned home monday from a 15-day business trip to North Africa. She visited several cities and had a wonderful time. Sal Laterra was anxiously awaiting her return; he mowed her lawn, carefully tended the garden and picked her up at the boat on her return.
Gloria and Roger Sylva, of Old County Road, returned home on Monday after a long weekend motorcycle trip to Bird-in-Hand, Pa. They attended the Mid Atlantic Retreat Rally as they have for several years. They did not see Dick Philiabosian this year, but Gloria reports that they had a wonderful time and the weather was great.
Professor Ellen Weiss, of New Orleans, La., returned to her summer house on Old County Road on Monday.
Charlie Kernick, of Edgartown Road, announced last week that Stevie Souter Hughes accepted his proposal, and they are going to be married on Oct. 23 in Hillsborough, N.C. Ms. Hughes and Charlie were quite the item when they were in high school in Warwick, R.I. a few years ago. Charlie is having extensive renovation work done to his house in advance of the nuptials. Congratulations!
Cynthia Riggs, of Edgartown Road, reports that last Sunday she held a brunch for 50 at her home. The guest was David Hull, principal librarian at the San Francisco Maritime Museum. The purpose was to take back to the museum on permanent loan a picture of the ship Niantic. Her great-great-grandfather was the captain of the vessel for many years, and the picture has hung in the homestead for several years. Most of the guests were related to Capt. Henry Warren Cleaveland, the youngest is Story Taylor.
Ann Howes, of Tiasquam Road, reports that a show of her watercolor paintings is on display until Memorial Day at the Gossamer Gallery
The park and recreation committee report that beach stickers will be available starting on Saturday, June 19, everyday at the tennis shed at the West Tisbury School on Old County Road. The hours on weekdays are 9 a.m. to noon and weekends from 4 to 7 p.m. The beach opens for the season on June 26. Also swimming lessons begin on July 5. Register at the same place you buy your beach sticker. The rule is that all taxes must be current in order to obtain a beach sticker. For more information call 508-696-0147.
Jim Pringle reports that on Memorial Day the town of Tisbury hosts the annual Memorial Day Picnic at the Tashmoo Water Works off Spring street in Vineyard Haven. The event is open to all, noon to 4 p.m. and is accessible by bus. There will be music from the Flying Elbows and Tristan Israel, row boating on the pond assisted by Tisbury lifeguards and members of the regional high school sailing team, pony rides, games, and free ice cream. Please bring your own picnic fixings, and grills will be provided for cooking. Rain date is the following Sunday. Come see the progress of the restoration of the 1887 Tashmoo Spring Pumping Station. If you have questions or to want to volunteer, contact Jim.
Karen Flynn, of Indian Hill Road, reports that her popular takeout stand, the Bite, will be opening today in Menemsha. Her family helps her run the business that is quite popular with tourists and locals.
Our condolences to Phieu Phan, who works over at Up-Island Cronig’s. Her mother passed away suddenly and she went back to Viet Nam for the funeral.
Today marks the 118th anniversary of the purchase, by the library association, of the Moses Mitchell school building and land on Music street. The purchase price was $360, quite a substantial sum to invest in a very small piece of real estate in 1892. Subscriptions were solicited by the association to remodel the building for library purposes, and within six months $450 was raised and the work completed. When we first were incorporated as a town, the library was located in a small portion of the second floor in the Dukes County Academy building next door. The Preservation Trust purchased the land and building for $1 about 10 years ago and completely restored the building and rented it back to the town for library purposes, and then it was used by several departments during the reconstruction of the town hall. This year, Island Theatre Workshop calls it home.
Happy birthday to Loraine Calio, Wayne Clay, Veronica Conover, John Dutton and Nina Gordon today; Judy Bryant, Kathleen Brady, Carla Anticoli, Donald Beaton, Stuart Rodegast and Sally Hamilton tomorrow; Eric Whitman, Nathan Belain and Jeffrey Meeks on Sunday; Tom Goethals, Chuck Hughes, Lynn Buckmaster-Irwin, Jared Montrowl and Emily Sobel on Monday; Ann Nelson, William Stewart, Alicia Christensen and Mathew Hayden on Tuesday; Caroline Delgado, Wendy Turnell, Sarah Crittenden and Larry Yorke on Wednesday; and to Brenda Hayden, Kaila Binney, Sarah Crittenden, Shannon McAuliffe and Philip Forest on Thursday. Belated birthday wishes to Katie Ann Mayhew, Ward Just and Priscilla Bettencourt. Wedding anniversary greetings to Matt and Donna Annese, of Webster, on Sunday.
Well, that is all of the social news for this edition. If you have any news please call or e-mail me. Have a safe weekend and a great week.
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