To increase seat belt use and decrease motor vehicle fatalities Chilmark Police began a special two-week crackdown on seat belt use on Monday which will continue through June 7, billed as Click It or Ticket.
Chilmark police chief Brian Cioffi is teaming up with the Menemsha Texaco Station to offer a special reward to child passengers who are found to be properly secured: Chilmark police officers will give a coupon for an ice Popsicle at the Menemsha Texaco to any child they find using proper car seats and safety belts during this safety campaign.
These stepped-up enforcement is funded by a federal grant. Federal statistics show that 64 per cent of the passenger vehicle occupants killed in 2008 crashes in Massachusetts were not wearing their seat belt, nine per cent higher than the national average.
Regular seat belt use is the single most effective way to protect people and reduce fatalities in motor vehicle crashes.
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