In addition to the picture perfect weather we had over the weekend, the rhododendron bushes, not azaleas as previously reported in error, at the Foote tennis court were in full bloom and absolutely magnificent. The first weekend of the unofficial summer season brought thousands of visitors as was evident by the long lines at the grocery stores in town and increased automobile traffic up 15 per cent according to an Authority official. Andrea Rogers reports that the two day Artisans’ Show at the Grange Hall was a huge success.
Cousin Millie Fodor’s daughter Moira graduates from Loudenville, Ohio high school tomorrow, Simi Horwitz has planted her flower boxes at her apartment on Park avenue in New York city, Don Evon’s flowers planted earlier in the spring are in bloom at his wife’s place in Canton, and Pam Mount is busy planning her Vineyard vacation.
Erin Naddex, assistant manager of the Youth Hostel, reports that the hostel was full this weekend with guests from near and far. The first guests to check in were the international club from Mount Wachusetts Community College. The hostel was almost at its maximum occupancy over the holiday weekend. So far J-1 students have arrived from Russia, Moldova and Ireland, and they are beginning their summer job and housing search. There have also been travelers from Toronto, Brazil, Australia and London. From the states there have been guests from California, North Carolina and Connecticut. There were two American guests who had worked with the Peace Corps in Moldova and spoke fluent Moldovan to the student here from Moldova — small world. On Sunday the hostel staff was made complete with the arrival of Vitalina, from Belarus. She joins the other two hostel staffers; Erin from Salt Lake City, Utah, and Matt from Providence, R.I. The hostel quieted down for a day or two after the holiday weekend but quickly filled back up with a group of students who came on Tuesday from the University of Maine while on a three- week traveling geology course, and a glassblower from North Carolina who will be working here for the summer.
Under a bright sunny sky with a gentle breeze last Saturday afternoon, Tony Silva married Dianne McDonough in a private ceremony at their home on Charles Neck Way.
Kevin Wojcik and Lynn Dolan opened their house in Vineyard Meadow Farms for the season over Memorial Day weekend. This weekend Kevin is hosting his annual retreat with his old college friends. All the usual suspects will be in attendance. In the early years of the retreat, the activities included fishing, kayaking, golfing, biking, hiking and sailing. As the boys have grown older, activities the past few years have been limited to those able to be accomplished while reclined in either a couch, deck chair or hammock. This year there is talk of actually going out and doing something. So if you happen to notice a group of old UConn alumni out and about this weekend congratulate them for getting off-campus!
Sal Laterra, of Providence, R.I. was the holiday weekend guest of Phyllis Meras on Music street. Sal finished many household chores for Phyllis, mowed the lawn and cooked her dinner.
Gloria Sylva over at the school reports that the school is a beehive of activity as the academic year is drawing to a close. Thirty-six members of the eighth grade class plus chaperons depart for England tomorrow. It is a part of the student exchange program they have participated in for many years, and they will return home on June 14. The annual spring book fair week concludes today. There are a number of field trips to various locations, and the graduation ceremony will be held at the Agricultural Hall on Thursday, June 17 beginning at 6:30 p.m. Our school closes for the summer on June 25.
Mark this event on your calendar today. The First Congregational Church’s 22nd annual Strawberry Festival will be held on June 19 between the hours of noon and 4 p.m. Enjoy the berries on shortcake with whipped cream, or berries with ice cream, or strawberry smoothies. Tables will be set up on the lawn. Proceeds from this popular event provide funding for the continuing maintenance of the historic building and grounds.
Alex Karman, of New York city, arrived last Friday to spend the long holiday weekend at his mother’s house on State Road. He had several guests: Kate and Rick Reilly, of Philadelphia, Pa., John Kuefner, of New York, Saul and Michelle Farber from Boston. Alex built a backyard sports complex, organized an Islandwide bike ride for his guests, took them kayaking and cooked gourmet meals.
Carol Craven, of Music street, is pleased to announce that her popular art gallery is moving back to town. She has a new location across the street from the Martha’s Vineyard Bank, near the Wellness Center and the post office. The gallery will open for the 15th season on Thursday.
Old friend Tom Vogl, of Scotchman’s Lane, passed away on Monday after a long and courageous battle with cancer. Tom had an extensive scientific background and, in my opinion, was knowledgeable about most everything. He was a regular Mr. Wizard. Just last week he gave a professional talk to medical personnel at the Falmouth Hospital. He will be missed by all his friends, and especially by his wife, Katherine, and family. A gathering of friends and family will take place over at the cemetery at 3 p.m. tomorrow. Katherine is planning a memorial service in the future.
The park and recreation committee reports that beach stickers will be available starting on Saturday, June 19, everyday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the tennis shed at the school near the tennis courts on Old County Road. Swimming lessons begin on July 5. Please register at the same place you buy your beach sticker. For more information call the park department at 508-696-0147.
Richard Paradise reminds you of an important exhibit at the Martha’s Vineyard Museum, Those Who Serve: Martha’s Vineyard and World War II. In support of that exhibit, the Martha’s Vineyard Film Society is offering a series of film classics at the Katharine Cornell Theatre beginning next Monday, June 7. The films will be introduced by Sheldon Hackney, former chairman of the National Endowment for the Humanities.
Hermine Hull, of Edgartown Road, opened her gallery for the summer season last weekend. New hours this year are Thursday through Sunday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Her oil paintings and Ruth Kirchmeier’s woodcuts are on display.
Barbara Silk reports that Women Empowered (WE) has moved its offices to North Tisbury and is pleased to be next door to Eileen Blake’s pie stand. WE provides personalized life skills coaching for people wanting to learn to make healthy choices. Beyond the one-on-one client work, they offer classes to provide people with the tools to handle their financial responsibilities. On June 26, WE is offering a four-hour beginner Quicken class to the first six people to sign up.
Colleen Morris reports that the Congregational Church handbell choir will perform at the library Saturday at 3 p.m.
“The May 27, 1976 annual town meeting lasted over five hours, a record, and many issues large and small were discussed at length. The matter of spending $9,600 to maintain the town dump drew a variety of opinions. TJ Hegarty wanted to know why the money spent annually wasn’t put toward the purchase of machinery to do the job. Fred S. Fisher Jr. of the finance committee responded by saying, “For years we have tried to stay away from that. You would then need a place to house it and a man to run it; he would want a salary and health insurance. Eventually we’ll have all this, I suppose we will be spending 40 or 50 grand and provide money to fix his teeth, but as long as we can stay away from it we should.” An informal standing vote indicated the town did not want to purchase their own machinery to cover dump. The budget request was then approved by a vote of 131 yes 96 no.”
Happy birthday to: Halloran Dennis, Casey Decker, Scott Bickwell and Sian Bassett today; Michael Bellissimo, Dale Julier, Margery Meltzer, Jason Look and Aleah MacNelly tomorrow; Dorothy Gregory, Mary French, Hildy Mitchell, Mike Faraca, Hilda Mitchell and Ernie Barrett on Sunday; Andrea Hartman, Steve Berlucchi, Cheryl Grimes and Holly Pennington on Monday; John Powers, Richard Andrade and Melinda Brodsky on Tuesday; Woollcott Smith, Elise Fisher, Jodi Blair, Katherine Walsh and Josh Gothard on Wednesday; Susan Safford, Anh Ho and Susan Kennedy on Thursday.
Belated anniversary wishes to Dan and Dorothy Whiting and Roger and Gloria Sylva, who celebrated their 42nd on Monday.
Well, that is all of the social news for this week’s edition. Sunday is the 66th anniversary of D-Day. If you have any news please call or e-mail me. Have a great week.
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