We are enjoying sunny days and blue skies, while Anna and John Alley and friends are off to the Azores. Their son, Sam, who just recently graduated from Fitchburg State College, is housesitting with friends while they are away. A special thanks to Maya Sharp for sorting the mail and parcels in his absence.
Well, the weather held out and the band played on ... at the Grange Hall 36th annual Farmers’ Market. Kevin Keady and Friends were crowd pleasers while folks were buzzing through with baked goods, fresh flowers and farm produce.
Bonnie and Fred Waitzkin are back on Music street. Bonnie is getting her garden together while awaiting the arrival of their son, Josh, and his new bride, Desiree.
Coco Brown and seven charter school buddies are off to the Adirondacks backpacking, whitewater rafting and spelunking for the week.
This past week Linda and Chuck Hughes’s daughter Zen participated in a writing workshop at Brown University in Providence.
Jordan Ronson of Galway Road will be coming next week from New York city to tend his garden and give his dog, Huck, a good run on Lambert’s Cove beach.
There is trouble in the hen house. On New Lane at the Smith Farm, Emily and Keston report that their provocative rooster named Joachim has been giving the hens a hard time. In turn the hens are giving their poor dog, Zoe, a hard time by stealing her dog treats. That rooster’s days just might be numbered.
Shirley Mayhew was reunited with two friends from 40 years ago, Betsy Wales and Connie Ostis from Maine. Shirley met Betsy in 1948 while Shirley was working for the summer at the Edgartown Bank, Betsy worked at the Country Store, and Connie also worked in Edgartown.
Over on Edgartown-West Tisbury Road, Linda Carnegie will be staying with Toni and Richard Cohen for the week and she is accepting projects.
No one cultivates and arranges flowers better than Sue Silva. Her flower arrangements can be fully enjoyed at Polly Hill, Howes House, and at the library.
Mark your calendars for next Friday from 1 to 4 and Saturday from 10 to 2 for the gallery art show at the Howes House. Members of the Friday art class led by Nancy Cabot will showcase their great works.
Next door at the Field Gallery a welcoming reception for Jhenn Watts, Kenneth Pillsworth and Jeff Hoerle will take place on Saturday at 5 p.m. Their works will be on display until July 3.
On Saturday at the library kids can create homemade cards and gifts for dad for Father’s Day on Sunday. Joanne Scott will discuss Alternative Therapies as a part of her year-long health and wellness series at 4 p.m. Starting on Monday come sign up for the summer reading program. For this year’s theme — Go Green @ Your Library — the T-shirt and tote bag logo was designed by Paul Karasik. Stop by and pick up your reading logs.
Diana Manter and Lee Revere want to remind everyone that they are still accepting books for the Library Friends Annual Book Sale the last weekend in July. Large donations can be taken over to the school starting on Tuesday, July 6 in the morning. In keeping with the summer reading theme, everyone is encouraged to bring their own recyclable cloth bags to the sale to take home their treasures.
Even though the passage of spring into summer officially begins on Monday, on Saturday afternoon will be the sixth annual Summer Solstice Celebration at the Polly Hill Arboretum. Karin Stanley says that this memorable day will be filled with music from Vineyard Sound, scavenger hunts, tours, storytelling, hot dogs and lemonade from 3 to 7 p.m.
With summer beginning, that means the school year is ending. At the charter school, the project period exhibitions for all classes is scheduled for Monday, June 21, from 10 to 11:30 a.m. The community is invited to view the exhibits. On the last day of school, there will be an end of the year ceremony at 11 and a community cookout at 11:30 a.m.
At the West Tisbury School Sue Merrill reports that eighth grade graduation was a wonderful family event, the seventh grade class is off to Boston to the Museum of Science on Monday, on Tuesday the fifth grade class is going on a Boston Duck Tour, and the last day of school is Thursday, June 24.
The Strawberry Festival at the First Congregational Church will take place tomorrow from noon to 4 p.m. Penny Hinkle, Marty Moore and the handbell choir will perform over at Windemere on Tuesday at 3:30 p.m. Make a note that the last Sunday school program at the church will be this Sunday, June 20.
Happy birthday to Peter Eldredge, Juleann VanBelle, Mary Lee Carlomagno, Randi Baird, Sean Dougherty, Maggie Barron, Samuel Bryant and Brittany Withers tomorrow; Marjory Potts, Frederick Houston, Molly Finkelstein, Debra Levesque, Shauna Nute, Karen McDonald, Erik Hammarlund, Heather Thurber, Samuel Mitchell, Travis Thurber and Caitlyn Parkhurst on Sunday; Nicholas Azzolini, Donna Eldridge, Lisa Magnarelli, Katharyn Harding, Katrina Yekel and Danyon Russell on Monday; Allen Look Jr., Dawne Charters, Daryl Kaeka, Luke Bartkus and Constance Toteanu on Tuesday; Anna Boon, Matthew Stackpole, Karen Lipsky, Stanley Hersh, Jean Kelleher, Harry Rodrigues and Jeffrey Stone on Wednesday; Mary Perry and Richard Sylvia on Thursday.
Anniversary greetings to Benjamin and Nicole Cabot, Caitlin Jones and Allen Healy, Tim and Sally Lasker, Jon and Kanta Lipsky, Granville and Lynne White.
Well, that is all of the social news for this week’s column. If you have any news, please call or e-mail me. Have a great week, and welcome the summer solstice.
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