The Aquinnah special town meeting scheduled for this week was continued to Wednesday, June 30, after the meeting failed to reach a quorum Tuesday night. The meeting was scheduled to begin at 7 p.m., and town moderator Michael Hebert made an announcement at around 7:30 that, at seven voters short of a quorum, the meeting would have to be postponed.
Mr. Hebert asked everyone present to reappear at the old town hall at 7 p.m. Wednesday for the continued meeting, and asked each person to bring a friend in order to guarantee a quorum.
The seven-article warrant includes a request to approve revisions to the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) national flood insurance program. If voters do not approve the changes by July 8, town residents will lose their access to federal flood insurance.
Also on the warrant are three articles requesting amendments to the town personnel bylaw, including one to change the minimum number of hours required to be considered a full-time employee.
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